Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Sustainable History and the Dignity of Man A Philosophy of History and Civilisational Triumph by Nayef R.F Al-Rodhan
This book is extremely interesting, and may seem to be a little on the, hard to grasp, side, but once you start reading, Nayef R.F Al-Rodhan, makes so much sense, and really creates the kind of atmosphere comparable to having a discussion amongst friends.
This is the 2nd book I have read from this author, and I enjoy them both very much! They are both 5 star books in my eyes, and I intend on reading more from him.
I am a long time fan of Stephen Hawkings, and not to put the 2 in the same category, but Nayef R.F Al-Rodhan's books, remind me a lot of Stephen hawking's books. I can sit and read and comprehend everything in it's entirety, and I get lost in the words, the thoughts, amazed at the mass scope at which it is presented and when somebody asks me a question about it, it's like they zapped me out of some sort of trance where I was learning and was able to see and think and come to many, many very strange and peculiar realizations. (Yes, lol, that irks me quite a bit, but I have 4 children, so....)
Anyway, I can't lie, this is not an easy read, it won't be read in one night, nor will it be read while you are doing your daily activities, no, you must take the time and make your mind like a sponge of sorts, take it all in, and be able to concentrate. So, if you are a mom, a dad, a busy person, schedule some time, and relax. Please do not speed read, and skip any sections. This would be a waste of your time.
This book is basically set in 3 sections, 1st part is a kind of explanation for the end, which is like a blueprint of sorts, describing and explaining. The 2nd part is where it starts to get a little crazy, (in a good way!!), and the author will then follow through with several different reasons, aspects, everything from many different religions, civilizations, governments, even touches on technology, and then the 3rd part, which is what the author sees as where we as a world or human race, are headed.
The religion and meaning of life sections were quite possibly my favorite, and really open your mind, and oddly enough, things start to come together. I believe we may each take something different from this book, and maybe that is the key? It flows very nicely, sort of like music, and again, this is truly going to be something that is all very simple to understand as you are reading it.
The meaning of life for instance, has never really been explained to me at least, in such great detail. It opens many doors and definitely broadens your horizons, You may find new meaning to life, where we came from, where we are going, who we are, if not, you will certainly have a terribly interesting discussion for your next date or date night:)
I like this author's style, there is no right and wrong, there is no black and white, everything seems to have a purpose, each and every word, and many ponder moments in this book.
Lots of footnotes in this book, just as the first book I read from this author, (I love footnotes) I also love how he questions things, as if there is a voice in your head at the same time as you are reading the words, you and the book are asking the same question, Are we really all simply one consciousness?
I recommend this book to anybody who adores a challenge, anybody who loves to think and have lots to discuss with friends. This book is definitely for you if you have ever asked yourself, what is the meaning of life? Is there life after death? No matter who or what you believe in, if you have faith in somebody or someone or something, you have surely thought about the afterlife, what is your purpose? Who or what decides your fate? (PS and this is just a section of the book that jumped out at me and had me re reading over and over and over again)
** I received a copy of this book in return for my honest review **
Exodus Lost by S C Compton
First I have to start by saying that this book has so many gorgeous illustrations, pictures and maps, that you just may want to actually have a paperback copy if you plan on buying it!!
History has always been one of my favorite topics in school, and we even enjoy the History channel, as a family, so this was definitely a very interesting book!
I am just fascinated with this author and how he took so much time and effort to make this book happen! 14 years of researching and studying, and the final project, truly shows all of his hard work!
This is a stunning book, with so many footnotes, maps and gorgeous color pictures, several illustrations, and tons of research, evidence, and ideas and suggestions that are not the norm. It does bring this whole part of history, into a new light and definitely makes you think!
Growing up I always was thrilled to learn about this time when we would start this chapter or section in our school history books, but I never read a book that was so intriguing and that taught me so much about this time! I believe the biggest difference is that this book is nowhere near a bore, and you are reading it, and learning at the same time, without even knowing. Even our 8 year old sat in front of the computer learning about the alphabet, and checking out the illustrations and asking all sorts of questions!
I feel privileged being able to read a book that somebody worked so hard on, to gather the facts and new discoveries. I don't think we ever were told in school anything about 2 different civilizations having so much in common, I don't think anybody asked nor was it ever even discussed.
You will be shocked over and over again with this book, very fast paced and the author just jumps right in, I love it! You probably will not be putting this book down for a while, not that you would want too!
Every page you turn, you think, "He can't possibly beat that!", but he does, and the more interesting and weirder it gets with each page.
If you enjoy history, ancient civilizations, Biblical times, and an intense read, this is certainly the perfect choice!
SC Compton, is an excellent writer, he will keep you on your toes, very engaging and never boring!
** I received a copy of this book in return for my honest review **
Steps4kids to Draw DVD Review and Discount Code and GIVEAWAY!!!

If your kids are anything like mine, they absolutely love to draw and write! Mine are constantly asking for paper, pens, crayons, more paper, sometimes, it gets so crazy and out of hand! I literally have stacks of pictures, cards, crafts, all kinds of notes, every single day! (I used to save each piece of paper our daughter drew on, scribbled on, all her school pages, when she was an only child) But I learned my lesson now, and well, I still might keep them all, but we have space bags filled with everything they do;) Eventually, maybe, I will have to part with some...(someday I suppose!)
So, we received this DVD, Steps4kids to Draw, and immediately upon receiving our package, it was ripped open and thrown in the PS3!
Wow! Were the kids more then pleased with this DVD!! There are sections for how to draw things, people, animals, and shapes. The instruction is amazing, and the kids caught on right away! As a matter of fact, here is the very first page that was drawn that afternoon:
We were very happy with the results, and that quick too?? That was so neat! The kids had a blast and kept drawing and drawing and drawing!
I especially think it is such a perfect gift for children of all ages, because it really builds self confidence! When my children learn something new, they are so proud and happy and nothing beats the good behavior and plastered smiles on their faces:)This DVD teaches over 40 items to draw, however, all of that can be put together and added and so many things can be created!! Plus, your children can easily start to draw other animals, things, people, simply by using the pointers and instruction they received from Steps4kids to Draw.
I think you will also love to see the other instructional DVD's they have to offer! definitely love the free printable worksheet section of their site!!
They also have: multiplication, block printing, manuscript, writing your ABC's,cursive, and they even have some very cool pencil grips!
Steps4kids also has a Facebook page!!
Steps4kids, is offering a very generous discount code for any order (min. $10), good through the month of August!!
Just use code blogn30 at checkout!!
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Redweek.com Review and Giveaway!

Of course we all want to save money whenever possible, and vacations are never an exception! This can be very costly, especially when you have children! There are times my family had to either wait, or just not take a vacation, due to the amount of money we had to spend on, gas, rental cars, time off work for my husband and myself, the cabins, hotel rooms, all the food money, spending money, etc. Then you have the regular tourist attractions that always sell food, groceries, all the little toys and shirts that you want to grab, at ridiculous prices!
We usually always go camping, and since there are little ones, we usually rent cabins that have full kitchens and bathrooms. Even if the local grocery stores are still more expensive then take out and eating out, it still saves us a lot of money if we cook most of the time.
What breaks our vacation fund is the cost of renting a room or a cabin! Especially during the summer season, or "peak" season. (Yes, even campgrounds charge outrageous amounts of money sometimes!!)
Redweek.com is a website where you can find a timeshare, or if you have one to share, you can advertise your timeshare on Redweek.com, for reasonable rates!
This website is very easy to navigate, you simply search for where you would like to go, or you can search by name, and all of your options pop up, complete with reviews, prices, how to contact the owners, descriptions and pictures of your choice, and availability.
Membership fees are also super reasonable! $14.99 per year, and you can list your timeshare, (advertising fees to post your own timeshare are not included with your membership but still very reasonable at $24.99 for 6 months!)
Another cool offer through Redweek.com, is their Dial an Exchange. This is for timeshare owners who want exchange and deposit weeks, available for other timeshare owners. They run specials each month, including certificates for free stays, when you deposit a 1 bedroom or larger accommodation at least 6 months in advance. You also get the best priority customer service with 24/7 support, low exchange rates and no guest fees! If you are a timeshare owner, this is a very neat addition to your Redweek membership!
I have to say, I have never thought about or looked into timeshares, but since checking out this site and all they have to offer, we will be searching on Redweek, before we plan from now on. I am very satisfied with the ratings, reviews, prices, availability, and offers. Plus, the site is very easy to understand, navigate and had all of the answers to my questions!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Free eBooks Today!!
Amazon free eBooks,
childrens eBooks,
free eBooks
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Multiply and Divide with Sticks and Steps by Maureen Stearns
I am very impressed with this book! I have always loved math when I was in school, and we have 4 children, ages, 2,5,8 and 19. This was used to help our 8 year old son, who actually is pretty good at math, however, due to an illness, missed a lot of school in his last year. (2nd grade). We have been buying and searching for and printing, all kinds of lessons, for all the kids actually. But specifically for our 8 year old. Just so he stays on track with his grade and schoolwork.
Math is one of the subjects that seems that if you don't catch it at the beginning, you may end up having a very hard time for the rest of the lesson. Tests and homework and grades, all count on this, and when you just barely pass 1 section, and get moved onto the next, you can certainly end up hating math, and having a rough time for the rest of your school career. not to mention real life, when you really do have to use math in all kinds of daily situations!
Math to me, is extremely important, and sometimes it gets hard to help your child since they always seem to change the way they teach them in school. Especially when they have to show work! Which was always something I had trouble with in school because I could do the math in my head, have the right answer, and get a bad mark because i didn't show my work.
No matter how many we have tried to help the 2 children that have had and are in school , with math, there has always been a bit of confusion, and misunderstanding. With this book, our son literally opened it up, took a piece of paper, and a pencil, and started with page 1.
He really maybe spent about 5 minutes, like the book claims, and was so proud and yelling "Oh mom!! I know how to multiply!!" lol! He loved the fact that he figured this out on his own and was able to understand it, as it is explained very clearly, and it seems so easy! To easy actually!
If you can count, you really can multiply and divide. really, what is even more amazing, is that Genevive, our 5 year old who will be starting school this year, can count, AND was easily able to do some (very simple), multiplication! This is something that really boosted her ego!
Aaron can not wait for school, and finds something everyday to multiply and divide, lol, he loves school and learning so much!
I recommend this book for any parent who would like to help their children gain confidence. You don't have to be having trouble in math just to use this! This book will be used over and over and over, and you can share the concept with friends and relatives! (or just recommend they get this book:)
** We were given a copy of this book in return for our honest review **
Tundra Finds her Howler by Marc Rumaner
The pictures in this book are just so vibrant and colorful, and we just sat here and admired them for quite some time!! The kids loved the pictures of all of the animals, not to mention the story is very sweet!
Tundra tries to get some help from some other animals to ask where her howler is, and they can't seem to help since they are not Alaskan Malamutes, like Tundra. She wants so much to sing with her friends, but can't, and she tries and tries and tries, and doesn't give up! ( valuable lesson for children of all ages!!)
That's what I like best about books like this, is what my children gain and learn from it. Tundra teaches them to not give up and to keep trying! You will succeed when you keep at it and have faith.
It is especially neat because children catch on very quickly when the lesson is taught through a book with gorgeous pictures, and cute animals. More so, then if I would just give a speech:) (of course you should always still be positive and teach your kids, but when you find a genuine good book like, Tundra Finds her Howler, you should use the story along with it! It is thanks to stories like this that we can build character, not only in our children, but in ourselves.
I especially love when my children, have no clue they are learning, and they enjoyed the story, the pictures, and were so proud of Tundra at the end! My 2 year old just loves animals, especially doggies, lol, so he was very thrilled to see these pictures and giggled at the animal sounds! Our 5 year old loved the pictures, and making the animal noises herself, and even tried to help Tundra along the way! Even our big boy, who is almost 9, was fascinated by the pictures and certainly got the lesson at the end. Genevive, (the 5 year old), was trying to fix a ring she loves that broke the other day, and her big brother reminded her of the story, helped her with the ring, and together they fixed it! He said, "Oh Genevive, don't give up hope! You will find a way to fix this! remember Tundra found a way, so can you!" It was so adorable, (of course they don't always get along!) But, every now and then they have these moments where they work together, and help each other, and I have to say, it has always been after reading a story like this one.
I would recommend this book for all children! You will not be disappointed, especially with the ending and the pictures!
If you want to see more of Tundra, (by the way, Tundra is real, and actually Marc's dog!) She has a brother named, Igloo, and they have all kinds of adorable pictures on their site!! , you can visit them at www.igloominations.com!!
** We received a copy of this book in return for our honest review **
Friday, July 27, 2012
Diane Wing Interview and Giveaway! Author of The True Nature of Tarot
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I really enjoyed reviewing Diane's book a few weeks ago, and she was super generous, and is offering a giveaway of her book, and yes, it will be signed!!
I did start this giveaway with the review, and have some entries so far. All entrants had/have to do, is comment on either the review post, or any of the Facebook posts! (I know some of you do not have a Google account)
Diane also answered some questions to put in an interview post, so I will be posting my questions and her answers here!! You can also comment here for your chance in receiving a signed copy of her book!!
1) What got you interested in studying Tarot? When did you start studying Tarot?
My mom had reading parties with tarot readers and astrologers since I was little. She gave me my first tarot deck when I was 9 years old. It always fascinated me that it was possible to derive information from pictures on cards. The more I used the cards, the more I wanted to learn about them. I began formal study in 1986. The more I learn, the more I understand the depth of meaning held within the cards and structure of the tarot, making it a lifelong study and practice.
2) How do you deal with, or have you ever had to deal with, people and stereotypes when they learn that you read Tarot? ( Of course people tend to right away, assume that if you read Tarot cards, you are a "bad witch", or study "black magic", etc etc:) I know even just with my small "dabbling", in iridology, palm reading, Tarot cards, etc, if people came to my house and saw my bookshelf, or a deck of cards, or my bags of crystals, and stones, they acted as if I was able to cast evil spells on them. Not often, but occasionally;)
It’s unfortunate that Hollywood and old beliefs dating back centuries have tarnished the reputation of tarot and other divination tools. There are those I encounter who feel that the practice is evil, but that has diminished over time. More and more people see the value of using these tools as a path to self-awareness, which is the primary use that I recommend. Tarot is ultimately a book of metaphysics, a guide to understanding ourselves, overcoming obstacles, and connecting with Spirit. Spirit is a necessary component of any divination method, since it is the Divine (hence the word “divination”) that is the source of the information, and therefore, inherent in all of this work. Those who feel it is evil are coming from a place of fear. They may have never experienced the positive use of these tools or they may have encountered an unethical practitioner that scared them. The tools themselves are neutral; it is what the practitioner chooses to do with them that can make it for the highest good or to the detriment of the client.
3) I personally believe that a Tarot reader can and should be paid in return for their services, however, I do think a lot of the phone numbers and online Tarot readers, and psychics are a bit selfish, and shouldn't be charging what they do. How do you feel about that, and how much is too much? and where do you draw the line on how to tell when a Tarot reader is just simply somebody trying to make money off of people?
Hotline and online readers are all over the place, and their skill levels vary. I recommend checking out Best American Psychics, who certify all of their readers as accurate and ethical, before putting them on their directory of approved psychics. Keep in mind that those who read for a psychic hotline have to split the fee with the company that hosts them, so the reader does not get all of the money. As far as the cost, this is a specialized skill and readers must open to lots of different types of energies in order to pull the information for the client. Sometimes the energy is really bad and the reader is put at risk by opening to it. If you feel that what you get from a particular reader is what you need and you are benefitting from it, then who can put a price on guidance that inspires you and helps you gain clarity?
4) How can a regular person, (a stay at home for instance), after reading your book, and learning how to read the cards, know for sure she/he is doing this properly? Do you offer any kind of help, further then your website and book? Can they email, call, and ask questions or ask for advice?
To increase confidence, I recommend getting validation for the messages that come through in a reading. That way, you can confirm what an accurate message feels like coming through. I offer live in-depth and basic intuitive group and private tarot classes, both in-person and by phone. Private lessons are scheduled at your convenience and are a great way to really hone your tarot skills and create your unique way of reading the cards. People can always email me with questions through my website at www.forestwitch.com. You can also sign-up for my community and get monthly updates on classes and events, along with transformational articles and my eBook, “How to Release Your Inner Magick.”
5) Is Tarot for everybody? Must you be a special person, or have any knowledge, or powers before you start to learn? I always thought that people, as long as they were not using them for "evil", they would gain a lot from these cards, and could better themselves. Do you agree that everybody could benefit from Tarot reading, or are there some people that just will never get it? If you do agree, how do you help the people who might come to you and say things like, "I can never learn something like this", or "How does a busy mom with a bunch of kids find the time to learn this?" or "I don't have ESP so I will never be good at this". How do you handle those people and is there a way for somebody who has no "special powers", to learn Tarot and begin to become enlightened?
Come to the cards knowing that you have intuitive ability and view them as a tool to assist you in consistently opening to your gifts. Tarot may not be the right tool for certain people. Some prefer a pendulum, others prefer to hold an object and get information that way (psychometry). There are many tools of divination to choose from. Each person is unique in their gifts. I teach an intuitive development course that helps students understand the way information comes through for them and we strengthen that ability during the class. Those interested can check out my events page at www.forestwitch.com/new/events.php for dates and times of upcoming teleclasses you can take from the convenience of your own home.
6) How do you feel about people who would ask you during a reading, or for themselves when reading, questions such as, "Am I getting married or engaged soon?", "Is my baby going to be born healthy?" "Will my husband ever cheat?" "has my boyfriend cheated?", sorry, just random questions, but certainly ones I believe a lot of people would definitely want to know answers to, and I think that can get a little dangerous. What do you think about those types of questions, and what would you say to somebody who thinks they can find the sex of their baby, things like that, if they learn how to read the cards?
These types of questions limit the kind of information that can be derived from the cards, since they are closed-ended (yes/no) questions. It also does not get to the heart of what the concern is. You want a healthy relationship, you want to start a family, etc. To expand the information that comes through, I recommend beginning questions with something like, “Give me a message about…” or “How can I …?” Rather than asking about cheating partners, maybe ask something like, “Give me a message about the nature of my relationship with my husband.” That way, you can see how the relationship can be improved upon. Also, asking a futuristic question like “Will my husband ever cheat” is not useful in that the cards can see what is upcoming based on what has happened up to the time of the reading. Many things could transpire after the reading that could change the course of events that would lead to or away from infidelity. We create our own destiny, so framing your questions in a way that reveals ways for you to improve your situation is the best way to get the most useful information.
If you are interested in winning a signed copy of The True Nature of Tarot, please comment below, or comment on the Facebook post with this interview/giveaway link!!
This giveaway ends on Sunday, July 29th at midnight est time:)
I really enjoyed reviewing Diane's book a few weeks ago, and she was super generous, and is offering a giveaway of her book, and yes, it will be signed!!
I did start this giveaway with the review, and have some entries so far. All entrants had/have to do, is comment on either the review post, or any of the Facebook posts! (I know some of you do not have a Google account)
Diane also answered some questions to put in an interview post, so I will be posting my questions and her answers here!! You can also comment here for your chance in receiving a signed copy of her book!!
1) What got you interested in studying Tarot? When did you start studying Tarot?
My mom had reading parties with tarot readers and astrologers since I was little. She gave me my first tarot deck when I was 9 years old. It always fascinated me that it was possible to derive information from pictures on cards. The more I used the cards, the more I wanted to learn about them. I began formal study in 1986. The more I learn, the more I understand the depth of meaning held within the cards and structure of the tarot, making it a lifelong study and practice.
2) How do you deal with, or have you ever had to deal with, people and stereotypes when they learn that you read Tarot? ( Of course people tend to right away, assume that if you read Tarot cards, you are a "bad witch", or study "black magic", etc etc:) I know even just with my small "dabbling", in iridology, palm reading, Tarot cards, etc, if people came to my house and saw my bookshelf, or a deck of cards, or my bags of crystals, and stones, they acted as if I was able to cast evil spells on them. Not often, but occasionally;)
It’s unfortunate that Hollywood and old beliefs dating back centuries have tarnished the reputation of tarot and other divination tools. There are those I encounter who feel that the practice is evil, but that has diminished over time. More and more people see the value of using these tools as a path to self-awareness, which is the primary use that I recommend. Tarot is ultimately a book of metaphysics, a guide to understanding ourselves, overcoming obstacles, and connecting with Spirit. Spirit is a necessary component of any divination method, since it is the Divine (hence the word “divination”) that is the source of the information, and therefore, inherent in all of this work. Those who feel it is evil are coming from a place of fear. They may have never experienced the positive use of these tools or they may have encountered an unethical practitioner that scared them. The tools themselves are neutral; it is what the practitioner chooses to do with them that can make it for the highest good or to the detriment of the client.
3) I personally believe that a Tarot reader can and should be paid in return for their services, however, I do think a lot of the phone numbers and online Tarot readers, and psychics are a bit selfish, and shouldn't be charging what they do. How do you feel about that, and how much is too much? and where do you draw the line on how to tell when a Tarot reader is just simply somebody trying to make money off of people?
Hotline and online readers are all over the place, and their skill levels vary. I recommend checking out Best American Psychics, who certify all of their readers as accurate and ethical, before putting them on their directory of approved psychics. Keep in mind that those who read for a psychic hotline have to split the fee with the company that hosts them, so the reader does not get all of the money. As far as the cost, this is a specialized skill and readers must open to lots of different types of energies in order to pull the information for the client. Sometimes the energy is really bad and the reader is put at risk by opening to it. If you feel that what you get from a particular reader is what you need and you are benefitting from it, then who can put a price on guidance that inspires you and helps you gain clarity?
4) How can a regular person, (a stay at home for instance), after reading your book, and learning how to read the cards, know for sure she/he is doing this properly? Do you offer any kind of help, further then your website and book? Can they email, call, and ask questions or ask for advice?
To increase confidence, I recommend getting validation for the messages that come through in a reading. That way, you can confirm what an accurate message feels like coming through. I offer live in-depth and basic intuitive group and private tarot classes, both in-person and by phone. Private lessons are scheduled at your convenience and are a great way to really hone your tarot skills and create your unique way of reading the cards. People can always email me with questions through my website at www.forestwitch.com. You can also sign-up for my community and get monthly updates on classes and events, along with transformational articles and my eBook, “How to Release Your Inner Magick.”
5) Is Tarot for everybody? Must you be a special person, or have any knowledge, or powers before you start to learn? I always thought that people, as long as they were not using them for "evil", they would gain a lot from these cards, and could better themselves. Do you agree that everybody could benefit from Tarot reading, or are there some people that just will never get it? If you do agree, how do you help the people who might come to you and say things like, "I can never learn something like this", or "How does a busy mom with a bunch of kids find the time to learn this?" or "I don't have ESP so I will never be good at this". How do you handle those people and is there a way for somebody who has no "special powers", to learn Tarot and begin to become enlightened?
Come to the cards knowing that you have intuitive ability and view them as a tool to assist you in consistently opening to your gifts. Tarot may not be the right tool for certain people. Some prefer a pendulum, others prefer to hold an object and get information that way (psychometry). There are many tools of divination to choose from. Each person is unique in their gifts. I teach an intuitive development course that helps students understand the way information comes through for them and we strengthen that ability during the class. Those interested can check out my events page at www.forestwitch.com/new/events.php for dates and times of upcoming teleclasses you can take from the convenience of your own home.
6) How do you feel about people who would ask you during a reading, or for themselves when reading, questions such as, "Am I getting married or engaged soon?", "Is my baby going to be born healthy?" "Will my husband ever cheat?" "has my boyfriend cheated?", sorry, just random questions, but certainly ones I believe a lot of people would definitely want to know answers to, and I think that can get a little dangerous. What do you think about those types of questions, and what would you say to somebody who thinks they can find the sex of their baby, things like that, if they learn how to read the cards?
These types of questions limit the kind of information that can be derived from the cards, since they are closed-ended (yes/no) questions. It also does not get to the heart of what the concern is. You want a healthy relationship, you want to start a family, etc. To expand the information that comes through, I recommend beginning questions with something like, “Give me a message about…” or “How can I …?” Rather than asking about cheating partners, maybe ask something like, “Give me a message about the nature of my relationship with my husband.” That way, you can see how the relationship can be improved upon. Also, asking a futuristic question like “Will my husband ever cheat” is not useful in that the cards can see what is upcoming based on what has happened up to the time of the reading. Many things could transpire after the reading that could change the course of events that would lead to or away from infidelity. We create our own destiny, so framing your questions in a way that reveals ways for you to improve your situation is the best way to get the most useful information.
If you are interested in winning a signed copy of The True Nature of Tarot, please comment below, or comment on the Facebook post with this interview/giveaway link!!
This giveaway ends on Sunday, July 29th at midnight est time:)
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Dancing Naked in Dixie by Lauren Clark
First I have to say, that there is an amazingly delicious recipe at the end of this book that alone is well worth grabbing a copy of this book:)
I have always been fascinated by the South, (I'm in the Northeast), so I was pretty anxious to read this book. Even if I am not really a romance novel fan, I do enjoy reading about other places, and learning new things, especially places that intrigue me.
The story does flow very nicely, and the author has a very pleasant way of introducing all of the characters, and scenes. Very descriptive, and definitely feels like you are there in many scenes! (One of my favorite parts of reading books is for the escape, so this was very appreciated!!)
It certainly wasn't a story I have read before, nothing close, and unfortunately, this is the first I have read by Lauren Clark. I will be checking out more of her work in the near future! I would like to see a second part to this story. (HINT:)
The characters are charming, well, most of them, I am not to thrilled about Shug's woman, but I don't believe we are supposed to be! I was very impressed with how the story twists and all of the excitement that I didn't expect to have in a romance story. (I have no idea why, but romance stories always seem to bore me, and the romantic movies) But this was a lot different then any I have ever seen or read. The author also really keeps your attention in this book, with something always going on, and she is outstanding at making every small detail, so interesting.
I did like Julia, as a character, and all of the drama and issues she was going through since the start of the book, and how her career was on the line, she seemed just like a very normal career woman. However, she had lots of her own problems to deal with, most recently, her job. She is a travel writer, and is so used to traveling to gorgeous, faraway places, until her creativity and writing started to decline and her new boss decided to not print her last article. He sent her to Alabama, which she thought was ridiculous, and tried to refuse to go, until she realized it would be her job that is taken from her next. So, she agrees, reluctantly, (saying she would rather dance naked.. hence the title), and from that point the story really takes off.
I recommend this book to anybody who enjoys romance novels, drama, this is a good choice for taking along on vacation, an airplane ride, a hot summer day, spent in the shade. Any chic literature fans will certainly love how Julia, grows and heals and becomes the young woman at the end of the book!
You can check out more books and read about the author here! (LaurnClarkbooks.com)
** I received a copy of this book in return for my honest review **
Mac the Fire Truck and the Airplane Fire by Trey Watson
My little ones loved this story, especially the illustrations! Of course what little ones, boy or girl, doesn't like fire trucks, and planes?
They also enjoyed the rhyming which is always fun to read out loud and also for a little older kids, (My youngest daughter is 5), you can reinforce the rhyming words during the story and they love to say, "Hey! House and mouse rhyme!". lol, they are always so proud when they discover something new. That's why I love stories like this. It is so neat how something that seems so simple, can teach a child so much in such a short time. Not just the reading part, but the rhyming and the lesson that this story teaches.
We are now Mac the Fire Truck fans, and will have to check out all of his other adventures! The characters are cute, and colorful and it was another favorite when the kids saw them eating grilled cheese, "Just like we eat!" So much for the imagination in a children's book, which also leads to many stories and additions and ideas of their own. I think my favorite part of reading books like this to my children is the discussions afterwards. This particular story definitely has much to discuss! All kinds of things like, what story line they want to see Mac the Fire truck be in next, who will he save, who will help him, making up new characters, and most importantly, talking about how anything is possible when you are determined to help, and join together with a friend! (Just like Mac did in this story!)
When friends and people stick together, you can accomplish anything! That was the best part of this book to me, and it helps build character and self esteem in your children. A neat thing to do, is to show your children, especially those with siblings, how when they focus and help each other, a team effort, how they can manage to get something big, done! (Ok, so I may have used this book as a way to show them how team effort gets all the toys picked up:) But there are many ways to show examples, and nothing makes me happier then smiling, happy, proud little ones!
What are your favorite books to read to your kids?
We would love to read any comments from you about what activities and discussions you and your children or grandchildren have after reading your favorite books!!
You can find Mac on Facebook!!
and check out more of Mac's adventures here!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Revenge of the Vegetarian by Jim Tilberry

I was interested in reading this book due to the fact that it states that it is humorous:) I am actually not a vegetarian, nor do I plan on being one, (unless we can have a vegetarian type who eats bacon and steak!) But, I have a couple friends who are vegetarian, and this was definitely going to be something I thought I could steal a few jokes from:)
The cover is hilarious enough, a tofu in a heart tattoo? LOL! The back cover is just as funny with all of the review excerpts on. Even the author's girlfriend has a review on the back! So does the author's mom, and stepbrother and a neighbor and a teacher from the 8th grade. Oh and Jim Tilberry's research assistant, he was super happy that the author mentioned him! (I figured i would try and make him happy too)
Anyway, the intro is funny, very witty and definitely makes the book sound interesting. Jim Tilberry doesn't wait, he just dives right in and starts with some very clever jokes! I am truly a fan of anybody who can in a sense, make fun of themselves! This world would be a much better place if more would do this!
On top of this book being filled with jokes and laughs, it actually does have depth to it, and some actual information, kind of:) My favorite part was, The Veggie Diary, written by a neighbor that the author persuaded to give up meat and become a vegetarian... he did quite well, just a couple White Castle stops and a bacon breakfast lol!!
I do in fact feel much more intelligent after reading this book, especially my horoscope! I learned that my birth bean is Pinto, and that my ruling vegetables are Brussels Sprouts!
I recommend this book for all vegetarians, new or old, no matter the type, and even meat eaters, like me! It makes a unique gift for friends or relatives, or for that day that your pre teens find out what bacon is!!
This book is available for purchase on Amazon!
** I received a copy of this book in return for my honest review **
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
book review,
book reviews,
Jim Tilberry,
Revenge of the Vegetarian,
vegan book
Monday, July 23, 2012
Very Helpful Coupon and Deal Site!!
I always check out all the coupon and deal sites, especially before I go and buy anything. Whether it's granola bars, or school clothes, I always figure that somewhere, I can get it cheaper:)
If you are looking for PsPrint coupon codes, this site has tons of them!
This is organized very well, and has an amazing directory of tons and tons of shops and stores! You just click through the directory, by letter, (alphabetical order), and find your store, and click for all the codes! They have them updated often, and have info on products, prices, pictures, anything you need to know about each store! It definitely saves you time, because they already did all the work for you!
Free shipping.com is actually a very cool program, from what I read on this site! I never really knew much about this money saving idea, until I read about them. You can also check them out on Clarus Marketing.
They also have cash back offers, and soon will have the option to print coupons. You can check out their blog, and read posts that range from free shipping, to reviews, to advice on shopping, groceries and more.
I am more satisfied with this site, then some of the others that seemed to have popped up over the past couple years. I like to have legitimate reviews, coupon codes, links, and actual proof that the coupons worked! (By the way, you can vote on the codes that work the best and you can add coupon and discount codes to the site as well!)
What coupons mean..
All in all, this site is sure to save busy moms and dads, lots of time and hassle! Just bookmark the site, and make sure you visit every time you are planning on shopping!
Have you ever used any codes from this site? Are you an email subscriber? Please comment and let me know what you think, especially of this site compared to others of the same type.
If you are looking for PsPrint coupon codes, this site has tons of them!
This is organized very well, and has an amazing directory of tons and tons of shops and stores! You just click through the directory, by letter, (alphabetical order), and find your store, and click for all the codes! They have them updated often, and have info on products, prices, pictures, anything you need to know about each store! It definitely saves you time, because they already did all the work for you!
Free shipping.com is actually a very cool program, from what I read on this site! I never really knew much about this money saving idea, until I read about them. You can also check them out on Clarus Marketing.
They also have cash back offers, and soon will have the option to print coupons. You can check out their blog, and read posts that range from free shipping, to reviews, to advice on shopping, groceries and more.
I am more satisfied with this site, then some of the others that seemed to have popped up over the past couple years. I like to have legitimate reviews, coupon codes, links, and actual proof that the coupons worked! (By the way, you can vote on the codes that work the best and you can add coupon and discount codes to the site as well!)
What coupons mean..
All in all, this site is sure to save busy moms and dads, lots of time and hassle! Just bookmark the site, and make sure you visit every time you are planning on shopping!
Have you ever used any codes from this site? Are you an email subscriber? Please comment and let me know what you think, especially of this site compared to others of the same type.
cash back,
cash back shopping,
coupon code,
Friday, July 20, 2012
Too Far Under by Lynn Osterkamp
Too Far Under is the first I have read in this series, and I would like to pick up the other I see listed as part of this series as well. It is a little short, but I believe for some that is a plus, I do normally prefer a little longer of a story, but this was exactly the proper amount of pages for this book. The author did not overdo it, and she ended it with grace! Although, I have to say, she keeps you guessing throughout the book, and builds up to an ending that seemed to lack just a little amount of shock and "Wow!!" factor.
The beginning of the story, (the prologue), starts out very well, and definitely holds your attention! You won't be putting this book down to often, if at all.
I also enjoyed the descriptions, sill can't get over how intriguing the prologue was, but this author does extraordinary work on descriptions, and engaging the reader!
The addition of something out of mainstream, Scientology, communicating with the dead, was refreshing and new! I liked how this all fit into the story and how it marked this book as unique in it's own way.
This is a perfect choice for when you are vacationing, or have a few hours to relax at the beach, outside, or wherever it is you may have some time to rad a book that won't feel like wasting your time!
She really has a cool, nonchalant way of introducing the characters to you and having them each with such an odd personality, and interests, yet they all fit together quite well for this story.
I recommend this book to anybody who enjoys a good mystery book!! Especially those who are not a fan of gore and bloody scenes, this is a true, genuine mystery.
You can check out this authors website, here! She has the perfect variety of mystery eBooks!! Highly rated and very reasonably priced!!
** I received a copy of this book in return for my honest review **
book review,
book reviews,
Lynn Osterkamp,
mystery books,
Too Far Under
Thursday, July 19, 2012
The Island of Lote by Emily Kinney
The Island of Lote, is very fascinating, reminded me of a fairy tale, but more for modern day. The author has a very magical way about her writing and really captivates you with every word! I was amazed with such a vocabulary, and so much originality by such a young girl. (21 years old, and if I understood correctly, this was started when she was even younger...)
I am looking forward to seeing more from this author, whether it is a continuation of Milo and Simon, (2 main characters in this story), or a whole new "fairy tale" like novel, either way, I can see her having a rather large following of readers who are pre ordering and counting down to the release date.
There really is never a dull moment, more the exact opposite, and you don' t lose interest, you can't, for she has dreamed up an enchanting world, complete with a solid story, characters, that you will be wondering about for weeks after reading their story.
The Island of Lote is the enchanting tale of Milo, a 14 year old "misfit" from America, who has an odd relationship with her parents, and kids her age. She has daily discussions with her best friend, Bob the conscience. Her parents move her to a building that is complete with shopping malls, restaurants, a Walmart,practically everything you could ever need so you will never need to go outside.
Milo is annoyed with her parents, and her new home, and the people in the building, and yearns for something else in life. She loves to cook, but is not able to since her new home doesn't have a stove. (her parents see no need for one since they have so many restaurants inside the same building) So, when Milo, sees a bulletin for camp in Australia, she pleads and begs with her parents until they reluctantly give in, and allow for her to go.
On her way to this camp, her plane has some issues, she, (with the help of Bob the conscience), gets a parachute and lands in the ocean. She manages to find an isolated island, and with the help of Simon, (her soon to be husband), she is brought to safety and introduced to the people (and Simon himself), that she is apparently destined to be with and live with.
The author goes into great detail, adjectives flow very fluently for her, like second nature, and you will be able to see very clearly, all of the people, the fruits, the houses, the island that she will grow to love and well, hate.
I don't want to go into much more detail, for the rest of this captivating tale, will be spoiled for most, but this is just where the story begins.
I won't even be able to say a word about the ending, due to spoiling that as well;)
I recommend this story for pre teens, teens, and young adult, and anybody really, who is a fan of fairy tales.
Make sure you check out the author's Facebook page by the way!! and here!
and she has a website here...
**I received a copy of this book in return for my honest review **
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Waffles Chronicles The Hamster That Lives in my Closet
This was short and sweet, just right for little ones!
My 2 year old loved the pictures and my 5 year old was cracking up over the funny pictures of Waffles scuba diving, climbing a mountain, and wearing a jogging suit.
I have to agree with the review that says the only bad thing is now my kids want a hamster, hmmmm. Especially not now, since they think it'll be ok inside a closet;)
This would be wonderful in paperback and I hope to see it there soon! I noticed there is a website and a Facebook page, so I am hoping this means there will be more books starring Waffles??
It is about time for a new, fresh character for kids, and a big, fluffy, cuddly, (well, for the kids!!), hamster, is the perfect choice!!
I especially liked the way it was written with the little girl's imagination. This is another something we need more of. In today's society with all of the technology, imagination sometimes seems obsolete. So, this definitely started the wondering, and questions and I could see the little motors moving above those big smiles as they thought of all the other goofy, and wacky stuff a hamster might do all day, lol.
We loved this story and would recommend this to all little ones!
** I was given a copy of this book in return for our honest review **
Dark Mind by Jennifer Chase
I was thrilled with how this story starts out, and how it never seems to die down, always fast paced and definitely heart pounding!
Jennifer Chase has a twisted imagination, (a 5 star imagination;), and a fascinating writing style, that keeps you wanting more! I guess it helps a bit that this is certainly my speed, my most favorite genre of all. The story was perfect, very different setting, place then what I am used to, and the terror was genuine! I am not however much into series books, at least when it comes to detective stories, FBI, although this didn't bother me one bit. It sure isn't Nancy Drew, or for the faint of heart!
The story really moves and is filled with vicious descriptions, so if you aren't one to read a serial killer book that also goes through the eyes of the killer, you may not want to pick this up! (although you are missing out on a thrilling ride!) I have to say that I haven't seen this writing style before, and I was real impressed with the adjectives used, how they were placed and the blood curdling screams that I could actually hear while I read it. I particularly enjoyed the explicitly detailed descriptions of the killer, his thoughts, his tools,and the chapters that start out with the women who he was hunting, running, and trying to get away. You could feel and smell every tiny section of the victims mind, fear, what they saw, you have to almost wonder how in the world did someone write this in such a horrific way!!
The characters all fit, there was a rhyme and reason, and the chapters were brilliantly placed along with the story, I loved how they would bring you down at the end of each chapter as if you just came down to, just about a halt, from the 3 crazy, upside down, heart attack loops on a steel coaster, only to be ripped back up again and when the next chapter starts, you're going 70 mph back through those loops, but now backwards!!
I wanted so much to give this book 5 stars, and I just couldn't, the only issue I ever have with books like this is that there are so many I have read, that sometimes the actual story seems like I read it before. Or seen it before, (Kind of like Cold Case, CSI type stuff). Which is nothing wrong and sure doesn't take from this book! I believe the problem with the issue I actually have with "hearing or seeing this before" is that there are so many crime shows, serial killer mini series, books, that it is pretty hard to not have a story that is 100% original. Jennifer Chase chose the perfect place with good characters, and her writing style is well beyond the average for this genre. I have to recommend this to any fan of horror, detective, FBI, cop shows, movies or books, or anybody fascinated with the macabre, twisted, brutal mind of a killer.
** I received a copy of this book in return for my honest review **
book review,
book reviews,
detective series,
FBI series,
Jennifer Chase
Nacho Money Volume 4 by Candi Sparks
I have 4 children, so this was a fun book to read and review for all of us!
Our 2 middle children, ages, 5 and 8 (almost 9), are both excited about having money, having the freedom to buy things, and they love being at an age to receive an allowance. Although they may not always receive an allowance lol.
this book is about, Max, a 10 year old who is starting to understand the concept of money and borrowing and paying back. It all starts with a video game disc he borrowed from a friend, Emma, that he said he would borrow for just a week... and it ended up being a month. So, she asks for it back one morning at school, and that's when the whole day went crazy!
His teacher gave him a bill for library books, rather then his report card, again, something he borrowed and didn't return on time..then he has a $10 from his big brother in his pocket and decides to use that for some pizza with his friends.
This is such a common issue with kids, and the only way for them to learn about money and borrowing and returning, is to learn from mistakes, (ok, and well maybe a little help from mom;) Believe me, we have made mistakes in the past with our kids, bailing them out way to many times, but there has to be a line somewhere where you just kind of let them figure it out on their own. Not only does this build character and independence, but you are allowing them to grow and learn some of the most important aspects of life. This is something they will be thanking you for, for years to come!
When I was in grade school, we didn't learn much about money, other then coins and of course the math part. We never really learned about how much things cost compared to how much you have, (assets, and liabilities) I thought the clever way this story was written, and the cool little character, Max, (who is pretty much like other kids his age), is an excellent resource for teachers, parents, and anybody who has a kid in their lives. This is a valuable lesson, and not just about money either!
Max also learns about how it feels when you don't return something on time, (Emma's game), and the library books. (which cause him to not get the game station he wanted so badly!) He also gets an earful from his big brother, who really was counting on his money (the ten that Max figured he could borrow for pizza), and then mom helps explain what went wrong and offered a super good solution! But,just like other kids, Max kind of didn't do his 2 weeks of free chores to pay his mom back for the loan, and he ended up having to do a little bit more then what he had to do. If only Max, would have done his chores in the first place, but instead he decided to hang out with his brother. (sound familiar??)
We read this story a few times over, I am going to be looking into more of these very valuable lessons from this author, and I believe we are going to grab copies of each! This was so clearly written, and I know my children understood! (Well, at least for the days that we read the book! We have to have some of this author's books on the shelves, just for reminding them again and again. They certainly remember Max though, and the hilarious joke, cheesy joke, that made the title of this book so funny!! (Especially our almost 9 year old, he loves jokes, especially the cheesy ones!!)
You can buy this book from Amazon! (Either click above, or you can buy from our book store!)
You can check out the author's site here!!
Visit Candi Sparks on Facebook!
Candi is a mom and an author, and holds many financial certifications, you can read about her amazing career, and how she got the idea to empower others, here!
Follow her on Twitter!
Check her out on Youtube!!
and on Pinterest;p
** We received a copy of this book in return for our honest review **
Candi Sparks,
childrens books,
childrens eBooks,
Nacho Money,
personal finances,
personal growth,
teach children about money,
teaching children finances
Go Broke, Die Rich Poetry for the Entrepreneur by William Manchee
I have to start this review out by sharing one of the best parts of this book!! It will help so much just with personal finances, and it is just common sense and some simple math, but yet so many don't get it.
Taken from Go broke, Die Rich:
"Let's say you're a middle class family with annual income of $40,000 a year. If you work 40 years, you will earn 1.6 million dollars. If you're a typical family, you'll buy a $150,000 home, a car every six or seven years and have a half a dozen credit cards maxed out very early in the game.
Now the enemy here is compound interest. It's common knowledge you will pay nearly triple the amount financed over 30 years. For instance, you'll pay $415,213 over 30 years for that $150,000 home at 8.5%. The cars will cost at least 25% more then their initial cost, and you'll be paying the minimums on your credit cards until you're dead and buried. Now if you subtract 25% of your income for taxes, that leaves you with $1,200,000. Subtract $415,000 for what you will actually pay for your home, including all of the interest, and now you only have $750,000. By the time you take away $200,000 for your automobiles you only have $585,000 left to live on for 40 years!
This is less than $15,000 a year for food, clothing, utilities, insurance, gasoline, home and auto maintenance, medical expenses, recreation, entertainment, education, vacations and retirement......"
WOW! When you put it that way, it is insane that this is what the majority of us are lining on!
William Manchee is an incredibly entertaining writer, and he will keep you interested, laughing, second guessing yourself, your ideas, your plans, and offers some of the best advice for anybody who has a business, or plans to start one.
My husband and I own our own tractor trailer, so we do say this is our business. We do our schedule C each year, get a 1099 from the company he is leased onto, and well, unfortunately, pay our own repairs, tolls, fuel, etc. Even if we have just 1 employee, (my husband), this book provided some very excellent advice and suggestions for our long term and short term goals! It also has a lot of important information for me and our small online business.
It doesn't much matter what business, how big or small, this is a guide that should be considered a required read for every entrepreneur.
It certainly isn't boring by any means, the author will keep you cracking up at parts, with his witty poetry, and you will be sure to relate to some of the poetry and some of the personal stories about the author, or his clients.
He starts out with a bit about his life, his education, mistakes, and his family, and goes into honest detail about what happened to his family, how they made choices, and so on.
He also touches on just about everything, in great detail about specific business failures, very common mistakes, and explains how to not make those mistakes yourself.
William Manchee has been advising small business entrepreneurs for over 30 years, so who better to offer tips and ideas on how to succeed in today's economy?
From problems with taxes, to lawsuits to employee theft, to legal issues, to starting over to bankruptcy, everything you need to know and understand is in this book. I guarantee you'll learn something from it, it doesn't matter how many years you have experience with your small business, and I am positive you will gain some very important knowledge that could possibly save your family and business.
I know the price for an attorney and adviser is pretty steep, but when you think about how much it would save you and your family in the long run, it is in your best interest to have one. That being said, I also believe that this book offers more then your money's worth, and you will almost feel guilty for only paying a little over $10 for such a valuable book!
I would of course, recommend this book to anybody who aspires to make it big, succeed, own a small to maybe not so small business, and anybody who already owns a small business. You'll find something in here that will be sure to help you, along with quite a few laughs.
Don't feel threatened by the author's experience and education, he has written this book in very easy to understand language, charming, and all very common and real problems and dilemmas that don't have to destroy everything you worked so hard for. It may even save your marriage or household finances!
Have you ever read this book? Did you learn anything from this?? I would love to read any comments from you!!
**I received a copy of this book in return for my honest review**
Thursday, July 12, 2012
The Amazing Adventures of Paddy Platypus by Tom de Paolo
I read this book before I read it to my children, and at first, I thought, "AAHH! What a bunch of big words for them to try and understand!!" (well, our almost 9 year old would be fine, I thought). I read it out loud to our 2 year old and 5 year old, and they were to busy checking out the cool pictures, to care what in the world I was saying, lol! But, Genevive, (5), at the end, had lots of questions about the book and Paddy, she listened after all!
This kind of proves my belief that, no matter what the book is, if you read to your kids, or even talk to them as if they were a regular grown up, they will hear you and they will start to understand some of those harder words. Our children's brains are like sponges, from day 1, and it is very important to read to your children, (books like this that have a more broad vocabulary are excellent!), and the earlier the better!! the more you read to them, the more they learn and grow!
Paddy the Platypus is a loveable character, and he is just a kid! The illustrations are very neat! Actually, I haven't seen such illustrations with so much depth and detail quite like these for a while. My little ones really enjoyed them and each time I turned the page, we had to stop and discuss the pictures, and go back over what was going on in the story.
It is a little longer of a book, but that's a plus in our book! It may take a little longer to get through then an average children's book, but this isn't an average children's book.
Paddy Platypus lives in Tasmania, and is a fine swimmer! So, he is asked to travel to the United States, to swim for his country in the Olympics. He goes along, reluctantly, and he misses home, and doesn't like the noise and all the commotion, (just like a human kid;), and what happens at the end is just adorable! We giggled and giggled and giggled more, and discussed why he did what he did, and what would we do if we were Paddy. (We voted and we all would have done the same thing!!)
This is a very funny book, easy for parents to read, and another plus is... give this book to your young reader to enjoy! Ours read this by himself, and after that, he read to his brother and sister. perfect book to keep those young readers motivated during the summer months!
We recommend this book to children of all ages, and we are all hoping to see Paddy come back in a new story VERY SOON:)
** We received a copy of this book in return for our honest review **
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Our Mom Spot Summer Reading Giveaway
We were all super excited that we won this giveaway a couple weeks ago, and we just received our package this past weekend!!
The kids LOVE their new books, and didn't waste any time getting them out to read!!
For those of you who are not familiar with www.ourmomspot.net, they are a community of parents who come together to help each other, inspire each other, offer advice, tips, and just simple and fun chat for other busy, and crazy parents like us;)
They also have all kinds of information, discussions, giveaways and a lot more!
I never really enter many giveaways, I wish I did, but I am usually to busy hosting them, or doing book reviews!! But, I received an email about this giveaway from Our Mom Spot, and had to enter!!
We won these books:
We are so thrilled to have won these awesome books!! The kids have had so much fun the past few days, and Aaron (our almost 9 year old), has been reading them to the littlest ones, over and over.
You can read more about the author, Doreen Cronin, here!
They are just adorable! Cute illustrations, tons of facts, and written in such a way that you don't even realize you are learning. (that is my favorite kind of way because it seems what you read, sticks in your mind a lot longer, and it is easier to remember, especially for kids!)
Here is a couple pictures of Aaron, reading to his brother and sister;)
We are very proud of him! He reads exceptionally well, and a LOT!
I had a few extra minutes to quick throw in some laundry, do a sink load of dishes, and start dinner while they read!! So, THANK YOU Doreen Cronin and Many thanks to OURMOMSPOT.NET!!! and Thank you for having such an amazing community for parents:P
PS) I was actually in desperate need of a mouse pad, so that was a much appreciated gift I found in our package!!!! Thanks again:)
The kids LOVE their new books, and didn't waste any time getting them out to read!!
For those of you who are not familiar with www.ourmomspot.net, they are a community of parents who come together to help each other, inspire each other, offer advice, tips, and just simple and fun chat for other busy, and crazy parents like us;)
They also have all kinds of information, discussions, giveaways and a lot more!
I never really enter many giveaways, I wish I did, but I am usually to busy hosting them, or doing book reviews!! But, I received an email about this giveaway from Our Mom Spot, and had to enter!!
We won these books:
We are so thrilled to have won these awesome books!! The kids have had so much fun the past few days, and Aaron (our almost 9 year old), has been reading them to the littlest ones, over and over.
You can read more about the author, Doreen Cronin, here!
They are just adorable! Cute illustrations, tons of facts, and written in such a way that you don't even realize you are learning. (that is my favorite kind of way because it seems what you read, sticks in your mind a lot longer, and it is easier to remember, especially for kids!)
Here is a couple pictures of Aaron, reading to his brother and sister;)
We are very proud of him! He reads exceptionally well, and a LOT!
I had a few extra minutes to quick throw in some laundry, do a sink load of dishes, and start dinner while they read!! So, THANK YOU Doreen Cronin and Many thanks to OURMOMSPOT.NET!!! and Thank you for having such an amazing community for parents:P
PS) I was actually in desperate need of a mouse pad, so that was a much appreciated gift I found in our package!!!! Thanks again:)
Island Shifters Book One An Oath of the Blood by Valerie Zambito
I only remember reading books similar to this genre, when I was much younger, and though they were not as detailed and deep as this book, they were still, "pretty cool" and I especially loved the books that gave the reader the option at the end of the page, "If you want to do this, turn to page....." or "If you want to do this, turn to page...". Remember those? They were so cool, and fun because you could turn the book into whatever you wanted! Well, this book is nothing like that, lol, I was just remembering how much I enjoyed those, and how the fantasy books were never a genre I really read as often as I apparently should have.
This specific book has definitely enlightened me, and now I am anxious to catch up on other books, just so I can read Book #2!
The whole story, the characters, the writing, the action, the mystery, the location, so imaginative and so well described and detailed that I could see the Island Shifters and everything, battles and all, along their journey! (This is my favorite part of books, any that allow you to escape for a while, and this is one of the best!)
Not to many adjectives, so many that is bores you and confuses you, but just the proper and perfect amount! What a fascinating imagination, Valerie Zambito, has and I appreciate her taking the time to share it and write this book! (Very few books in my 38 years of life, have ever led me to want to shake the hand of the author and say, "Thank you for sharing a piece of your imagination!")
Magical places,magic,forests, and the Island Shifters, transforming into animals, dwarfs, elves, all that fun stuff that you may have enjoyed reading about as a kid, comes at you in a whole new way! yes, adults can get lost in Fantasy worlds too;)
This was a fun book, I especially thought the way the words were written in the book itself, was the perfect addition! The cover is very interesting in itself, and will be enough to want to start reading, and it was filled with so much action, and had a real genuine story behind it. the characters were simply divine, and you certainly feel as if you know them well.
I recommend this book for any age, (my almost 9 year old son is actually enjoying this story right as we speak, with a little help from mom;)
Have you read this book?
Please leave any comments about your thoughts on this magical, fantasy, adventurous book!! Thank you for reading;)
** We received a copy of this book in return for our honest review **
book review,
book reviews,
fantasy book,
Island Shifters,
Oath of the Blood,
Valerie Zambito
I Remember Mommy's Smile by Dina Wolfman Baker
This was going to be a very sad book to read, and I knew what this was about before it arrived, and still found it hard to open up.
Even as a children's book, I didn't want to share it with the youngest little ones, because i myself have a fear of death and didn't want to have one of those conversations that pops up once in awhile about where do we go? Will I see you again? Things like that upset me terribly, even if I firmly believe we will be together again. i just couldn't stomach it.
It was hard to get through this book, especially since it was written through the eyes and heart of a child. I don't like to hear that anybody has to go through such a horrifying event in their life, but I know we all will at some point.
I do believe this is an amazing book for families who are experiencing a loss of a loved one, especially for the children. (Although it will certainly help the grown ups deal with such a devastating loss as well)
You can't help but cry a bit, well, a lot, while reading this and the pictures alone are sad enough. The pictures in this story are simple yet in such a beautiful way, especially the mommy part when she is smiling.
I Remember Mommy's Smile, goes through the whole process of finding out her mother is ill, and the good times they could still have together, to the hospital, to coming home again, to being very sick and going back to the hospital. Reading the words that come from a child really got to me, but this will definitely help with coping and the healing process. There is a part when the little girl couldn't hug her mommy, knowing it was the last time she will see her, that was a nice addition as I believe most children go through this and they should not feel ashamed or feel as though they let anybody down,so this will let them know they are not alone and they are understood!
The whole story was like this, and covered every aspect of death and dying, and the feelings that a child would have during the whole process.
Then the little girl explains her feelings at her mommy's funeral, to getting back to school, being able to smile once again, and how she remembers her mommy's smile. This part was especially sweet, and will be a crucial part for children when they need the extra help to try and get back to normal. (and for parents, this book will be a much needed tool for your family, whether it is used to just help your children see they are not alone, or take the place of some very hard to answer questions while you are grieving also)
I would recommend this book for churches, schools, day cares, all parents and families who have lost a loved one, and of course, any therapists that help families with this process.
You can read more about this book at www.BakersDozenPress.com
and www.MommysSmile.com
Please leave any comments below and share your reviews of this book!!
If you are interested, you can click the picture above to purchase this book at Amazon.com!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Deathloop by Gil Brailey
The characters are well constructed and described, so much that you can see them in your mind. The story itself will certainly draw you in and it may confuse you once or twice, or more, but just keep reading, you will catch on;)
Zach's character is a bit unnerving, although, you have to have a little bit of compassion for the guy. He really isn't all that bad, however, he does treat women a little wicked. (well he isn't the only one in the world). Even still, he does play an interesting part in this book, terribly mysterious and as much as you want to hate him, you can't.
I thought this was an odd book, in a good way, definitely wasn't mainstream, or something you may see, "Everybody reading at the beach" or "Everybody running to the bookstore for". I think they should though, it is an unusual book, and that is what makes this story so superb!
It reminds me of the type of book that will have it's own following, like certain bands, and those "out of the ordinary" type, books, movies, cult like genres. I would be one of them for this book, especially if there were more of these like from a series, or books written by this author, along the same lines.
It was unusual in the sense that I find people and their minds, intriguing. To have such an imagination, to conjure up a story that is so twisted and crazy and make it an easy book to read, fairly paced action, certainly enough to keep you interested, is a definite asset. (Especially in today's society where things don't seem as accepted or welcomed as they used too) I admire this when I read a book from an author that has some insanity trapped in there.
That is why I love books so much, they still seem to be for the most part, uncensored. Unlike music and movies and well, people's opinions.
The story does start out from another part of the story, so be prepared to be a little confused, but it is pretty obvious after you read it. (A lot of movies do this too and I always think it just adds to the twisted plot and adds a star:)
I wouldn't really know where to classify this, I know we have to have "genres" in a sense, but there should be an "unknown, crazy but worth your time" section. (and possibly a "unknown, not so crazy, waste of time" section, lol. This book, I would put in the worth your time group, because it is. It won't leave you bored, sure won't make you that confused, and it will keep you guessing, thinking and at the end, pretty explosive stuff there. Certainly not what I expected!
It does have some past life stuff, so I would guess if you are a non believer, that may disappoint you, but uh, that's what the story is kind of about! It also has a little swearing, not a lot, not a bunch of sex, and not any jumping around. It is written very strategically and offers a few hours of pure enjoyment!
You can read more about this book and the author, here!
You can also check out Deathloop on Facebook!
Follow Gil Brailey on Twitter!
Have you read this book? What did you think?
** I received a copy of this book in return for my honest review **
Gil Brailey,
mystery books,
paranormal books,
past life,
Monday, July 9, 2012
A Quest for Good Manners by Karin Lefranc
I have 4 children, and they are so similar to Rosalind and her pet dragon, Sparkler.(I think a lot of children are;)
That's one reason this book was so special! It made my little ones laugh at the beginning, because they do the same, and hear the same as the characters did!
We really enjoyed reading this book, and the kids of course, were all full of manners immediately afterwards! (Yes, I have to read it often, but luckily, Aaron, he is 8, loves to read out loud too!)
The illustrations are charming, and the book itself is especially neat. The kids love the cover, and even the way the words are on the pages. (We loved the please, thank you and your welcome parts.)
By the middle of the book, Genevive, (she is 5), was able to understand before I read it, what they should have done or said, and we were super proud that she was learning some manners!
I really love the cute story and how simple the author makes the lesson of manners that some of us parents have a hard time with. Of course, at least in our family, the kids are great in public, but when it comes to respecting each other and being kind and considerate at home, it doesn't last to long. But, all in all, so far, we have had a wonderful response with this book and even Deegan,(he's 2), knows that when this book comes off the shelf, it is please and thank you time!
We had so much fun reading, and I personally had a lot of fun seeing the children actually be kind and considerate to each other. (Even if just for the day;) But, everytime we read it, they go on their own journey and are kind and have manners here at home!
I recommend this to all little princes and princesses, and any parent or grandparent who may be getting tired of repeatedly asking, well, begging, for their little ones to have some manners!
You can buy this book on Amazon!
You can also check out A Quest for Good Manners on Facebook!!
** We received a copy of this book in return for our honest review **
Sunday, July 8, 2012
A Warrior's Soul by SR Staley
Luke is a regular boy with regular friends, who just happens to be the victim of some pretty rough bullying. Bullying and bullies, are a huge problem in today's schools and as a mom of 4, 1 that has been bullied, I am happy for this book!
Not only does the author have the storytelling down very well, he has the rights from wrongs done perfectly too!
This is a book I would hand any teen who is being bullied, not only is it a cool book, it has an excellent story, great characters, lessons, and this is something most pre teens and teens can relate to these days.
My children's ages are :20, 8, 5, and 2, and I would actually be sure to get the next in the series to read myself, (because yes, it is actually an interesting book!), and to keep for my 8, almost 9 year old son. (he is actually the one who has had bully problems in the past)
I also agree with other reviewers that this is the perfect choice for boys! Especially those who do not want to bother with a book. I think the whole coolness factor rates up there, as well as martial arts/ninjas, that is most certainly cool. (even for me;)
I would advise schools to have more then 1 copy of this book, because it will be one of those books in the school library that you keep going to check out, and it's never there. (I always went crazy for those books when I was in school!!)
The author made this a very easy read, the right amount of action, created good characters, and does an amazing job making some valuable lessons, not so lesson like! (I think this may also have to do with the fact that he has a couple kids himself)
I would recommend grabbing this in the summer, (since we are here;)
We always have reading nights, reading trips, (well, not so much for bookstores don't seem to exist as much anymore), but summertime is a good time to keep your mind moving, keep the kids occupied on rainy days with a good book! And this is my first choice for this age group this summer!
**I received a copy of this book for my honest review**
Not only does the author have the storytelling down very well, he has the rights from wrongs done perfectly too!
This is a book I would hand any teen who is being bullied, not only is it a cool book, it has an excellent story, great characters, lessons, and this is something most pre teens and teens can relate to these days.
My children's ages are :20, 8, 5, and 2, and I would actually be sure to get the next in the series to read myself, (because yes, it is actually an interesting book!), and to keep for my 8, almost 9 year old son. (he is actually the one who has had bully problems in the past)
I also agree with other reviewers that this is the perfect choice for boys! Especially those who do not want to bother with a book. I think the whole coolness factor rates up there, as well as martial arts/ninjas, that is most certainly cool. (even for me;)
I would advise schools to have more then 1 copy of this book, because it will be one of those books in the school library that you keep going to check out, and it's never there. (I always went crazy for those books when I was in school!!)
The author made this a very easy read, the right amount of action, created good characters, and does an amazing job making some valuable lessons, not so lesson like! (I think this may also have to do with the fact that he has a couple kids himself)
I would recommend grabbing this in the summer, (since we are here;)
We always have reading nights, reading trips, (well, not so much for bookstores don't seem to exist as much anymore), but summertime is a good time to keep your mind moving, keep the kids occupied on rainy days with a good book! And this is my first choice for this age group this summer!
**I received a copy of this book for my honest review**
Friday, July 6, 2012
Journey to Virginland Epistle 1 by Armen Melikian
If I were to say this book is recommended for EVERYBODY, I would be a liar, so please, unless you can respect somebody's opinion, do not read this book.
I had an issue at the beginning myself, wondering why and who this guy thinks he is for making fun of my country!! But, immediately, after receiving my husband's text back, that said, "Idk, sounds interesting", I had already finished chapter 1.
I hated the book, and I started reading it because I hated it, but just as the old saying goes, "Don't judge a book by it's cover" (even though the actual cover was alluring), it was the MAP that got to me;), anyway, I re learned that lesson again. (been re learning and re learning that a lot lately...)
The author has a brilliant mind, and by the way, if you are reading this or you already did, and you are about to give a bad review, think twice about that! He also poked fun at himself, didn't he?
He is right, and it is a discussion in our house many times, society as a whole, simply sucks. There is a lot wrong with this world, and I don't care what political party you are affiliated with, there are some serious issues that if kept unresolved, will be our final doom. Reading this made me think about this even more, and thankful that I wasn't crazy, thinking some of this already.
I try to do reviews on books as if I was the person who ran to the bookstore, (well, the internet bookstore, since bookstores in an actual town seem to be disappearing), because I wanted to buy the book, and have been dying to read it!! I can't write a review for a book that somebody sends me, as though I am just some egotistical, person who knows it all, and finds no interest in a book, I have to read them with an open mind, and put myself in the person's shoes who ran to the bookstore because they were absolutely dying to get a copy the day it was released. Now, I am not saying this is how it was with this book, totally. I may have, at a bookstore, opened this up, saw that map, and without reading, flung it back on the shelf and walked away. I am so glad I didn't.
Did I mention yet how awesome this author is?? Truly divine read, if I do say so myself. Flows brilliantly, a real masterpiece, one that I hope I see my children bring home from school as part of a discussion someday.
** I received a copy of this book in return for my honest review**
I had an issue at the beginning myself, wondering why and who this guy thinks he is for making fun of my country!! But, immediately, after receiving my husband's text back, that said, "Idk, sounds interesting", I had already finished chapter 1.
I hated the book, and I started reading it because I hated it, but just as the old saying goes, "Don't judge a book by it's cover" (even though the actual cover was alluring), it was the MAP that got to me;), anyway, I re learned that lesson again. (been re learning and re learning that a lot lately...)
The author has a brilliant mind, and by the way, if you are reading this or you already did, and you are about to give a bad review, think twice about that! He also poked fun at himself, didn't he?
He is right, and it is a discussion in our house many times, society as a whole, simply sucks. There is a lot wrong with this world, and I don't care what political party you are affiliated with, there are some serious issues that if kept unresolved, will be our final doom. Reading this made me think about this even more, and thankful that I wasn't crazy, thinking some of this already.
I try to do reviews on books as if I was the person who ran to the bookstore, (well, the internet bookstore, since bookstores in an actual town seem to be disappearing), because I wanted to buy the book, and have been dying to read it!! I can't write a review for a book that somebody sends me, as though I am just some egotistical, person who knows it all, and finds no interest in a book, I have to read them with an open mind, and put myself in the person's shoes who ran to the bookstore because they were absolutely dying to get a copy the day it was released. Now, I am not saying this is how it was with this book, totally. I may have, at a bookstore, opened this up, saw that map, and without reading, flung it back on the shelf and walked away. I am so glad I didn't.
Did I mention yet how awesome this author is?? Truly divine read, if I do say so myself. Flows brilliantly, a real masterpiece, one that I hope I see my children bring home from school as part of a discussion someday.
** I received a copy of this book in return for my honest review**
book review,
book reviews,
Journey to Virginland,
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Writers on the Edge
I was thinking this book would be a bit unnerving, and really,it was. But, I am impressed with the authors in this book, who opened up their heart and soul, and found so much strength and courage, to write this for others to see.
Of course, there will be parts that will horrify you, and as much as I enjoy horror, this isn't the enjoyable type by any means. It does however, let you in on something that you may never be able to imagine, and that in turn, may help you with any addictions in your own life, any friends, loved ones, you may have had to cope with and get hurt by, or hurt.
It definitely opened my eyes to a lot, and some of these I had never even knew were addictions, but now I realize that addiction, of any kind, is itself, a demon that will take over and destroy everything around you.
I had a few parts that I did re read, in order to try and thoroughly understand what possibly caused such a mess, how do people start this and why does it affect them in these ways. Apparently, like many other things, this is something that will never fully be understood by somebody who has never experienced this. Although, this book will get you very close.
I thought it was refreshing to finally read about addiction, from the other side for once. You always hear about things from the legal side, the doctor side, but what about the actual victim?
Maybe some of this will hit home with you, maybe it won't, but either way, I would recommend this book to anybody who has ever had ANY addiction, in any form, take over their life, even if it was/is not your own.
It brought new light onto a very important person in my own life, and I also did some research after reading this book, and tried to understand a little more about this process. What I found just on You tube comments and posts, was really a terrifying reality that I will never be a part of, but can now maybe understand and I do now see this person and what had happened in a whole different way. For that, I am also eternally grateful for being given the chance to read this book.
Do you want a copy of this book?
You can purchase this on Amazon!
have you read this book? What did you gain from this book?
** I was given a copy of this book in return for my honest review**
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Camp Wander: Perfect Gift for Mom! DIY Skin Care for Gardeners...
Camp Wander: Perfect Gift for Mom! DIY Skin Care for Gardeners...: I embrace dirty hands, I do! Truthfully, it's so much easier for me to plant (wrangle iPhones) gloveless. But I know that I'll be ...
Camp Wander: Dirty Feet Scrub for Sandal Weary Feet!
Camp Wander: Dirty Feet Scrub for Sandal Weary Feet!: We're well into summer and our feet have logged many miles in sandals by now ! Did you ever stop to think about what your heels look l...
Monday, July 2, 2012
The Toughskin Rhinoceros Wrangler Company
Of course the little ones were excited to be able to read this story and check out all of the cute illustrations as soon as we received the pdf file for this brand new book by, Thomas L Vaultonburg. Aaron always loves to be the one to read the story since he is the almost 9 year old;) Genevive and Deegan love that their big brother, (or big brudder, lol) is reading them a story. This book was super easy for Aaron to read. which was perfect, because they like to hear some stories a few more times, immediately after the first!!
The rhinos in this book love to dance, thanks to rhino Jack. Who is rhino Jack? he is a little boy who likes to dress in his rhino costume, and hang out at the zoo with his rhino family!
One day, the rhinos are stomping and running through town, and the zoo had to call Jack to come and help get the rhinos back where they belong, and Jack saves the day!
The pictures in this book are very attractive, and definitely caught the attention of my children. The story flows extremely nice, and after listening a couple times, genevive got the dancing part memorized pretty good.
Aaron is always so proud of his reading skills, and so am I!
This is Genevive when we asked her what she thought of the story, and she could hardly stop laughing as she described the dancing rhinos doing her favorite part, the Tango, lol! Of course, she asked to hear it again and again and again...
This is a very sweet book, and will be one you want a copy of for your children's bookshelves. It falls into the category of all those good classics that kids will remember and pass down to their children and grandchildren. It definitely isn't easily forgotten!
Another neat thing in this book, is at the end, there is a section with some real interesting facts about rhinos. Aaron had a fun time learning about them, and ran out to tell his dad that they can sometimes run 35 miles per hour. That was the most impressive to him.
You can purchase a copy of this book directly from their website, and you can also get it signed!!
We would love to read your comments! Have you ever heard of this book? Do you own a copy? Would you like a copy?
I normally ask the kids how many stars they would give a book they just reviewed, when I asked them how many stars out of 5, Aaron said, 5, Genevive said 50:P I also give this story a 5 star rating!!
**We received a copy of this book in return for our honest review**
The rhinos in this book love to dance, thanks to rhino Jack. Who is rhino Jack? he is a little boy who likes to dress in his rhino costume, and hang out at the zoo with his rhino family!
One day, the rhinos are stomping and running through town, and the zoo had to call Jack to come and help get the rhinos back where they belong, and Jack saves the day!
The pictures in this book are very attractive, and definitely caught the attention of my children. The story flows extremely nice, and after listening a couple times, genevive got the dancing part memorized pretty good.
Aaron is always so proud of his reading skills, and so am I!
This is Genevive when we asked her what she thought of the story, and she could hardly stop laughing as she described the dancing rhinos doing her favorite part, the Tango, lol! Of course, she asked to hear it again and again and again...
This is a very sweet book, and will be one you want a copy of for your children's bookshelves. It falls into the category of all those good classics that kids will remember and pass down to their children and grandchildren. It definitely isn't easily forgotten!
Another neat thing in this book, is at the end, there is a section with some real interesting facts about rhinos. Aaron had a fun time learning about them, and ran out to tell his dad that they can sometimes run 35 miles per hour. That was the most impressive to him.
You can purchase a copy of this book directly from their website, and you can also get it signed!!
We would love to read your comments! Have you ever heard of this book? Do you own a copy? Would you like a copy?
I normally ask the kids how many stars they would give a book they just reviewed, when I asked them how many stars out of 5, Aaron said, 5, Genevive said 50:P I also give this story a 5 star rating!!
**We received a copy of this book in return for our honest review**
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