** I received a sample of Cottenelle Mega Roll through Crowdtap in return for my honest review. All statements are my own. **
This is a little ridiculous, I know. I am writing a blog post about toilet paper. Well, I mean, this new mega Roll is quite amazing (Yes, amazing is an overused adjective these days.) But, I can't really think of another way to put it. Fabulous? Fantastic? Awesome? (another overused adjective), Radical? Gnarly? (Ok, now I'm showing my age.) You know what I mean.
I received this 9 roll pack of Mega Roll toilet paper and believe me, in a house of 5 (was 6 and sometimes feels like 20), a 9 roll pack doesn't last much longer then a week. Sometimes, it wouldn't even last a full week. Cottonelle says each Mega Roll is equal to 4 rolls of toilet paper. Ok, I thought this was absurd at first too. It ends up, they are correct and it will be hard to change back to any Ultra, Double, Triple roll, ever again. Of course, we have a stockpile of ultra triple rolls toilet paper. I order so much online when I find a good sale so, we have to get through that pile first. As soon as we do, I am switching to Cottonelle Mega Roll. (Oh yeah, the price is nice too. It also helped that there was a $1.50 off coupon, attached to the pack I received from Crowdtap!)
I never did understand why the toilet paper holders always have more room, plenty of room, for BIGGER ROLLS! So many stepped up to the plate, but here we are, no matter how ultra, triple, quadruple they get, there is still room to expand. It seems Cottonelle just figured this out.
When my 11 year old asked what I was writing about tonight, I said, "I have to write about the new toilet paper we have been using." and he said, "Well, like you always say, look at that roll and think about the type of personality that roll would have if you were writing a story. What do you see?" I said, "Well, it reminds me of a superhero. The kind that saw a tired, super busy mom who finally had a break to run to the bathroom and just sat down and for the first time ever, the roll wasn't empty. Matter of fact, it was like an endless supply of toilet paper and when your kids and husband are to lazy to change it, it's ok, because, it's the MEGA ROLL!" My cartoon loving, video game addict just nodded and said, "Yeah, I was thinking something like that. and if he had a name, it would be, Larry, Larry the Mega Roll!" So, yeah, see? Even the little ones agree!
One of my favorite ways to get essential oils in our everyday lives, is to make everything scented. I always add a few drops of lime, lemon or orange oil on the tube and when it rolls, you get a nice scent of citrus! Most days, I end up doing this at least once. But, with the Mega Rolls, it hasn't been a daily, "Oh, I have to grab my oil to put in the tube!" task. Because, it actually lasts!
I can't help it. Little things make me so ecstatically happy that sometimes I can't stop talking about it! Something as little as the size of a toilet paper roll, does matter and it does help in many areas of our lives. (Unless I'm just crazy.) But, I do believe that Cottonelle totally saved me a lot of unnecessary stress.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Friday, May 29, 2015
College Poor No More 100 Savings Tips For College Students Book Review

** I received a copy of this book in return for my honest, unbiased review. All statements are my own. **
I'm always up for any budget tips. Even if I may already practice them, I know there are millions of people out there who could use some suggestions!
I know this book specifies, "College" in the title, but, really, this book could help anybody, whether you are in college or not. Even the most seasoned budget queen (or king!), will find a new trick. Not to mention, you will find a lot of funny pointers and very clever advice.
Some of these tips may seem to some as though they should be common sense or second nature, but, it just isn't the way it is in the real world. There are a lot of people who can be super, duper book smart but lack a bit on the common sense side. Not that there is anything wrong with that but, it is just the way it is!
I think it should be a requirement for all high school graduates to read this book, since it will relate to them either in college or when they are out on their own. Besides, it isn't your typical, "How To Save Money In 100 Easy Steps", kind of boredom. Michelle Perry Higgins has a sparkling personality and fantastic sense of humor that definitely shows through her book. Making all of this much easier to read and remember.
I think another reason I had to give this book, 5 stars, is because, the author, (who also happens to be a financial planner!), included some very important tips. Things like, pay it forward and how to dress when you are hunting for a job. These tips may not save you money right away but they most definitely will in the future. Oh and one of my favorites! Be cautious of what you out on social media because, your future employer(s). WILL most likely check your accounts to see what type of person will be representing their business.
Another point to bring up about, College Poor No More, or, I guess this is more about, Michelle Perry Higgins, but, 100% of her profits from the sale of this book, will go to providing scholarships for deserving students! That alone should make everybody who sees this book, pick it up! Better yet, pass it on to a college student so that they can start out just a little bit wiser.
If you do purchase this book for a college or high school friend or relative, I would page through it and well, you will end up reading the whole book. I like to read and learn new things as often as I can and when the author can make something that seems that it will be read aloud in your mind in the voice of Ferris Bueller's principal, but makes it fun, hilarious, something you and most everybody you know can relate to, I think it sinks in just a bit more and you will find that you can actually apply what you learned, to your everyday life.
Yes, I recommend, College Poor No More, to everybody in high school, college and all the way up. You will come across a new idea and you will be entertained along the way.

Friday, May 22, 2015
Budgeting Your Dream Vacation
Planning a vacation is extremely important, especially if your goal is to save as much money as possible. If this is the case, you must start the wheels in motion on your plan several months before you want to depart. This is because some of the biggest savings you can get come from advance bookings. Along with this, you must consider other details, rather than wait until the last minute. In order to create a budget and stick to it, it is important to know exactly where you will be going and how long you will be staying there. Here are some of the ways to go about budgeting your dream vacation.
1. Hotels
As mentioned earlier, there are substantial savings to be had, provided you are prepared to make your reservations early enough. Take a look at many San Diego hotels to see which ones offer the biggest discounts for booking a room in advance. Find out if the discount goes up the further in advance you book your room. If this is the case, book your room as far in advance as is necessary to get the biggest discount.
2. Plane tickets
This is where it is vital to make your booking in advance. Airlines have no sympathy for people who book their flight at the last minute. Ideally, you should book your flight three to five months ahead of time. However, find out how far in advance you will need to book your hotel in advance, then book your flight for that specific time. The money you will be able to save on your hotel and airfare will be very significant.
3. Rental car
When you book your flight and hotel, you should also book your rental car. Not only will this allow you to get a discount on when you will pay for the rental car, it will also ensure that they will have the exact rental car that you want for your particular trip. Keep in mind that if you plan on dropping off your rental car at a different location than where you originally rented it, you will be forced to pay a lot more than if you bring it back to the same location. Therefore, it would be wise to rent a car, do some sightseeing in an area, bring the rental car back to the same location and then take a bus to your next destination.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
How to Find the Right Contractor for Your Project
Want to give your kitchen a modern update? Dying to redo your laundry room or finally turn your basement into a family room? You’ll need to hire a contractor, even if you’ve vowed to handle some of the renovations yourself. Here’s how to find the best contractor in your area.
1. Understand the warnings of a bad contractor. You should never feel pressured to make a decision before you’re ready. Also, a contractor should accept various methods of payment, not just cash. Lastly, if the contractor suggests skipping getting a building permit, that should be a red flag that you’re not working with someone dependable.
2. Check out review websites to see which local contractor is highly recommended. If a lot of people give the same type of review, whether positive or negative, chances are that you’ll have a similar experience. Check out the Better Business Bureau which should have reviews of home contractors.
3. Before making a final decision, compare bids. You should have a minimum of three bids from contractors you’re seriously considering. In order to get those bids, the contractors should survey your property in person. When checking out the bids, look at their plans and the materials they’re planning on using.
Even if you don’t plan on putting your house on the market any time soon, you should still make sure the renovations are done as best as possible.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
The Care Bears Want You To #ShareYourCare
Doing Good Can Pay Off in Care Bears™ Online Video Challenge
For more than 30 years, the Care Bears™ have been on a mission to help make the world a better place by spreading messages of sharing and caring wherever they go. Now, in an online campaign, the Care Bears are asking people to #ShareYourCare and post videos telling the Care Bears how you make the world a better place by showing how you LOVE, CARE, SHARE and HELP others every day! The #ShareYourCare contest will award some lucky Care Bears fans with pre-paid Care Bears branded Mastercards and themed merchandise.
From May 4TH through May 31ST, participants can enter the challenge by uploading 15-30 second videos to Care Bears Share, and using hashtag #ShareYourCare. Videos should identify how Care Bears fans share their care, based on four themes: Love, Care, Share and Help. Here is an example of New York – Sharing Their Care.
Each week, one video will be chosen and the winner awarded a $500 pre-paid Care Bears branded Mastercard and prize pack. Videos will be judged on the following criteria:
· Originality
· Best use of Care Bears brand
· Best use of Love, Care, Share or Help theme
· Most charitable
· “Awwhhh factor”
Then, from June 1 through June 7, fans will be able to vote on the four weekly winning videos to determine the video that will be selected as the grand prize winner. This winner will be announced on June 8 via social media and receive a $1000 pre-paid Care Bears branded MasterCard.
In addition to viewing submissions on CareBearsShare.com, fans can find highlights of the #ShareYourCare video challenge on all of the Care Bears social media. All winners and announcements will be communicated via social media. (see below)
Care Bears Social Media Handles:
Frenemy Jane Review And Giveaway!!
** We received a copy of Frenemy Jane in return for our honest review. All statements and opinions are my own. **
Oh, I almost forgot to mention.. Stephanie Sorkin is donating a portion of the author proceeds to, PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center! a Rafflecopter giveaway
We have a couple issues here at our house, at our school and we have had our share of bullies, all different types of bullies.
It hurts a lot to have to send my oldest son to school sometimes and I sometimes wonder if some of his stomach pain isn't caused by stress from a couple kids in his school. He was diagnosed with a few disorders, like, celiac, gastroperisis, GERD, acid reflux and the latest, possible gall bladder disease.
At the beginning of his school career, everything was fine, he had lots of friends and loved school and did exceptionally well with his grades. After a couple of years, as they grew up a little bit, my son started having bad stomach pains and was often sick, especially at night and in the morning. He always loved school, so, I didn't think there was anything wrong at school, so, we started taking him to our doctor and from there, GI specialists.
Since he was diagnosed after several tests, I didn't think much about the fact that there could still be a problem with anybody at school.
One day, I asked about one of his friends and he didn't really seem as happy as he usually was when talking about this specific friend. I figured right away, something was wrong and we ended up having a nice long chat about his "frenemy".
He has a few very close friends, which is nice. I don't know why he decided to stay friends with this other boy at school, who started being mean, calling names, spreading rumors and just randomly making fun whenever he saw my son on the bus or at school.
As they got older, (they are both in 5th grade now.), his "frenemy" has acquired a few friends, including one of my son's friends, which really hurt him pretty bad. He still has his few close friends and we try to have them over as often as we can and we are dealing with his stomach concerns as best we can.
To be honest, the school doesn't seem to be much help so, we do our best to include his friends, help with his self esteem, confidence and talk daily about his day, who did what, etc etc. Oh and now he has a younger sister who is attending the same school so, she has been known to stick up for her big brother on the school bus! (We try to teach our children how important family is and how important it is to stick together and help family or friends when they are in need So, we are very proud of her for that!)
Stephanie Sorkin has written some of our most favorite books! This book, Frenemy Jane, is no exception!
Now, my oldest son may think or act that he is to "big" for this book, BUT, he has heard his little sister read it and even made the remark that, "OMG! That is exactly how it started with ..."
We love Stephanie Sorkin's books, because she writes about things that affect our children and she does it from a child's point of view! They are very easy to read, so, our 8 year old is always happy to read them, even to her class! (Her classmates were lucky enough this past year to listen to 3 different stories by Stephanie Sorkin and even her classroom received a copy of each book!)
The illustrations are adorable and one of the best parts of this book, is the classroom discussion questions. This is a very important topic and sometimes I don't think that just having a "Bully Week" is enough. I wish, Frenemy Jane was in every classroom in every elementary school. The discussion questions in the back of this book, could be a whole lesson in class that I'm sure any teacher can fit in to their busy schedules!
There is even a gluten free recipe in the back, which would make a wonderful ending to one of the most helpful books and discussions in class.
Frenemy Jane follows a little girl named, Maddie, who has a "friend" named, Jane. They knew each other since preschool and have been friends for a while. However, as they get a little bigger, Jane starts to do mean things to Maddie and Maddie starts to question their friendship.
Luckily, Maddie's mom started to notice something wasn't right, so, Maddie told her mom about her "friend" Jane and they and a nice long talk about their friendship. Maddie went to school the following Monday, with confidence and knew just what she had to do.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention.. Stephanie Sorkin is donating a portion of the author proceeds to, PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center! a Rafflecopter giveaway
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
End of Watch (Possible Spoiler)
This script is taken from the end of this movie....
"This film is dedicated to the men and women of the law enforcement community who face danger daily on our behalf. It is especially dedicated to our fallen heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. This is for all that fight evil so we may not know it.
God bless you all."
Monday, May 4, 2015
Share Your Hylands Mom Moments For A Chance To Win!
** I received Hylands products in return for promoting and sharing the Hylands Mom Moments giveaway. **
Hylands has put together an incredibly awesome Mother's Day contest and you could be one of 3 winners!
All you need to do to enter is grab a photo, try and find the funniest, most real, maybe even slightly embarrassing, but we have all been there and we all know what it's like, so, don't worry if your hair is messy, or your floor is covered in diapers, toys, food, trust me, this is something all moms have in common and there is nothing to be ashamed about!
The funnier the captions, the better! Of course, don't forget to hashtag #HylandMomMoments so your picture can be seen and possibly shared by Hylands!
What does mothering mean to you? If you need some inspiration, check out Hyland's Instagram page for some other #HylandsMomMoments!
I collected some of my own, um, interesting, mom moments, to share with all of you, just to show you what I think mothering is all about :)
This is just 1 of maybe 200 selfies of my youngest daughter, that I found in my cell phone once. (Ok, not once, but a few times.) They are always in my phone and snapping several pictures of all kinds of odd things and lucky me, gets to find them when I am trying to figure out why I have no memory space left. (Of course, I couldn't delete them!)
This is our youngest, in the middle lol. This used to happen a bit more often when he was tinier. (He will be 5 this coming Friday) but, this was a daily occurrence.)
This is one of my favorites and it seems to be a regular deal when we try and get those lovely photos of the kids, to share with family and friends. Our oldest daughter is moved out and was during this photo but, we have plenty with her doing the same kind of fun stuff.
We love to do DIY crafts, cook, bake, all kinds of good stuff. But, that doesn't mean it is as clean and well kept during and after as it may sometimes seem when I write a post about it! Actually, everything looks like this, all the time!
It may be hard to see from this photo but this was a few years ago when our oldest son decided he would like an arrow shaved into the top of his head, (Yes, from the movie lol.) But, he loved it and we like to let our little ones be their own individuals!
Plus, we had some good laughs because he reminded us of Private Joker from Full Metal Jacket! (Just in case you have seen that movie!!)
So, see? That wasn't so hard and no, I'm not embarrassed! I love sharing pictures and stories and Hylands is making that much cooler since you can win prizes for doing so!!
What can you win?
3 winners will win a tremendously excellent prize package! Complete with some of the best Hylands products, a $50 Target gift card AND a $100 Spafinder gift card!! (YES! 3 winners win all 3 prizes!!)
You can read more about the rules, here.
Where can you enter to win? Well, Hyland's Facebook page, of course!
You have until 11:59 EST on May 7th to enter, so, quick! Snap some fun pics!
We would love to see your #HylandsMomMoments and hope to hear that one or more of our readers won one of these spectacular prize packages!!
Happy Mother's Day!
Hylands has put together an incredibly awesome Mother's Day contest and you could be one of 3 winners!
All you need to do to enter is grab a photo, try and find the funniest, most real, maybe even slightly embarrassing, but we have all been there and we all know what it's like, so, don't worry if your hair is messy, or your floor is covered in diapers, toys, food, trust me, this is something all moms have in common and there is nothing to be ashamed about!
The funnier the captions, the better! Of course, don't forget to hashtag #HylandMomMoments so your picture can be seen and possibly shared by Hylands!
What does mothering mean to you? If you need some inspiration, check out Hyland's Instagram page for some other #HylandsMomMoments!
I collected some of my own, um, interesting, mom moments, to share with all of you, just to show you what I think mothering is all about :)
This is just 1 of maybe 200 selfies of my youngest daughter, that I found in my cell phone once. (Ok, not once, but a few times.) They are always in my phone and snapping several pictures of all kinds of odd things and lucky me, gets to find them when I am trying to figure out why I have no memory space left. (Of course, I couldn't delete them!)
This is our youngest, in the middle lol. This used to happen a bit more often when he was tinier. (He will be 5 this coming Friday) but, this was a daily occurrence.)
This is one of my favorites and it seems to be a regular deal when we try and get those lovely photos of the kids, to share with family and friends. Our oldest daughter is moved out and was during this photo but, we have plenty with her doing the same kind of fun stuff.
We love to do DIY crafts, cook, bake, all kinds of good stuff. But, that doesn't mean it is as clean and well kept during and after as it may sometimes seem when I write a post about it! Actually, everything looks like this, all the time!
It may be hard to see from this photo but this was a few years ago when our oldest son decided he would like an arrow shaved into the top of his head, (Yes, from the movie lol.) But, he loved it and we like to let our little ones be their own individuals!
Plus, we had some good laughs because he reminded us of Private Joker from Full Metal Jacket! (Just in case you have seen that movie!!)
So, see? That wasn't so hard and no, I'm not embarrassed! I love sharing pictures and stories and Hylands is making that much cooler since you can win prizes for doing so!!
What can you win?
3 winners will win a tremendously excellent prize package! Complete with some of the best Hylands products, a $50 Target gift card AND a $100 Spafinder gift card!! (YES! 3 winners win all 3 prizes!!)
You can read more about the rules, here.
Where can you enter to win? Well, Hyland's Facebook page, of course!
You have until 11:59 EST on May 7th to enter, so, quick! Snap some fun pics!
We would love to see your #HylandsMomMoments and hope to hear that one or more of our readers won one of these spectacular prize packages!!
Happy Mother's Day!
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Why Floyd Mayweather Is The Best Ever
I think just like voting, in order to watch a boxing match and have an opinion afterwards, just so you don't go running your mouth like a fool, you should be required to pass a test so you know what boxing is.
Boxing is NOT UFC, (thank God), it isn't WWE (thank God), you don't usually get bloodbaths, (It's a shame but there are different types of fighters with different skills), knockouts don't always happen, blocking, ducking and "running" is necessary and vital duh. Do you really believe a boxer is to be just standing there, arms down, by the ropes, just taking a beating? Nope. He/she is to duck, get out of there and get in a better position. Speed, agility, footwork, it's all a scientific process and not a lot of boxers have this down 100% or even 50%. But, Floyd Mayweather does.
Manny didn't ever stand a chance in there last night. His only hope was a lucky punch and a knockout. It didn't happen because Floyd doesn't get hit, he's to fast, smooth and will gain energy and power, the longer you make him duck and block.
Apparently, a lot of people who aren't boxing fans, bought this fight or watched it somewhere and assumed they would see some bloodbath and I'm sorry you didn't realize what either boxer is. It wasn't going to happen between these 2 fighters.
What did you pay the $100 for?
Undercards, the main event, witnessing the best boxer in all of history, win fairly and you were a part of the crowd who got to see the most incredible, most fascinating boxer ever known, prove once again, that he is capable of studying his opponent, ripping his opponent down, training for months just to beat that style, Mayweather and Mayweather alone, has proved to the world, once again, that he is unbeatable. WHY? It's simple. He knows the sport. He can beat any style fighter, he masters every technique, nobody can get a lucky punch in, he's to alert, he's to aware, he knows what his opponent will do even before his opponent knows what he's going to do.
Hate him all you want, but you have to be fair and give credit where it's due. Floyd managed to break the entire sport down to his own science and he is the professor. He figured out how to tackle the world of boxing and has come out on top and he just keeps getting better. It's quite an unbelievable experience.
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