We received a combo pack of Hog Wash and Toe Juice to use and review and I have seen and heard the names on Facebook, Twitter, and other blogs, but I wasn't really sure what it was for, how it worked and what the brand claims to do. I have to admit, I was cracking up a bit at the names, and the kids were happy to hear the Toe Juice and Hog Wash names, lol. Of course they made up their songs, and jokes, and all those neat things little kids do.
After a few hours of this, I realized how clever the names were for these products, not to mention, I checked them out online after receiving an email and found that there are a bunch of people out there who have nothing but good and wonderful things to say about this company and their products.
I was anxious to receive the Toe Juice and Hog Wash, I love to try any product that is family friendly and has such a die hard following, this stuff sounded like gold!
I checked out their social networks and was delighted to see there is a lot of activity, they seem to keep up pretty well with their fans, run lots of deals, specials, and tips, and giveaways. (This is always a plus with me when checking out a brand or business)
So, what is Toe Juice and Hog Wash, exactly?
First off, I love the story about how this was created....
In 1970, Royce Garner, who was a high school science teacher in Boise, Idaho, produced his first batch of Toe Juice®. His endeavor began when his infant son had flaking, dry, cracked feet. The many lotions and creams were ineffective and messy. So Royce did some research, went to his lab, and came out with a revolutionary new product. Not only did it fix and prevent further complications with his son's feet, but over the years many friends, family, and acquaintances have benefited from the strength of Royce's Toe Juice®. Those who benefited from the fast drying liquid, often encouraged Royce to take it public.
**The above paragraph was taken from the official Toe Juice website**
That was neat to me because I always say, parents know best, and well, this does fall right in line with being a science teacher too;) I thought this was so cool how, Royce Garner, was helping his son and Voila! He did.
Ok, so now, what is this stuff??
In my experience, Toe Juice is some pretty fascinating stuff that seems to be a helpful aide in almost any skin condition and in my case, even the rashes I get from having RSD/CRPS. I know most of my readers know about my disability, and even though I have had it for so long, it is still a mystery most days. But, I get 1st and 2nd degree burns and burn blisters, (No, I wasn't burned, the inside feels like fire, a burning pain, but somehow my nerves are telling my brain I am being burned and then they try to protect me with the welts and blisters, I know, hmmm strange isn't it?) I suffer from these burning welts and blisters every week, sometimes more then once a week. So, I tried Toe Juice, thinking it may cool it down a bit, which it did. It also, helped the rashes I get on my legs, ankles and feet, after the welts went down!

Besides having the rashes and burns, I also have very dry skin on my feet, especially my heels. I work on my feet, and have for years, as a bartender. I have dropped many cases and kegs on my toes and feet and have had nothing but issues since my career started. I read that Toe Juice helped others with similar problems, and of course this was kind of why this miracle stuff was invented! I thought there could be no way. Although it didn't clear it up completely, (It doesn't claim to either!), it did improve my very severe dry skin issue a LOT! I figure that when I buy some more, I can use it regularly and see an even bigger improvement.
We also used this at our house for insect bites, Ugh! I hate the itchiness, it drives me nuts! I had to say goodbye to one of my closest friends, Bactine, because Toe Juice has replaced it in our medicine cabinet.
Here are some other skin issues that others have shown and felt improvement in when using, Toe Juice..
,Jungle Rot,
Insect Bites,
Cold Sores,
Foot Problems,
Athletes Feet,
Jock Itch,
Psoriasis, and
Misc Skin Irritations.
That's quite a list and so far, with our families ailments, yes, indeed it has done a fine job with helping us!
We love Toe Juice at our house also because it is all natural, plant based, is not sticky or greasy and it definitely doen't smell funny!
The ingredient in Toe juice that is so amazing is:
DermaVine® is a blend of plant-based extracts that enhance the skin’s natural repairing ability. It contains willow bark, lemon peel, and Cinnamonum extracts.
Ok, onto Hog Wash..
Hog Wash is a hand sanitizer that is infused with DermaVine® and is designed to naturally promote new skin growth and keeps your hands clean, hydrated and soft.
There are 3 little ones here, so yes, we use hand sanitizers. My main issue with hand sanitizers are the stickiness and alcohol smell, and this is something I can not stand. I have found products in the past that are not real sticky and even some that are not as alcoholy smelling, (I am not sure if that is a word;). Hog Wash is that product that has defied the odds. I don't know how, but it is not sticky in the least bit, and although it smells like alcohol at first, it evaporates and the smell is gone, just like that!
Hog Wash will also have it's own shelf here at our house from now on.
The next thing I like to check out, are the prices and availability of the products, whether online or in stores, and promos, deals and sales.
This is a strategic test made by Moi;P
Toe juice and Hog Wash get 5 stars ***** for sales, prices, and all the other stuff I just mentioned above.
Where can you find these products??
You can find them at Walmart, Amazon, Walgreens, target, Acme and several other stores. you can check their site for stores
near you.
Matter of fact, right now, they are offering a FREE 1 oz bottle of Toe Juice! All you need to do is pay shipping!! (I have seen this a lot, and the shipping is only $4.25!)
Check out the FREE offer
Another very sweet deal they are offering right now is, a Toe Juice Combo. this includes a 1 oz bottle and a 4.6 oz bottle, and since the 1 oz is free, AND they are covering shipping as well, the grand total for this deal, is only $15!!
You can try the free bottle if you like, but I would suggest grabbing the free shipping deal as well, and grabbing the extra Toe Juice bottle, because this stuff is impressive!!
AND you can also enter to win a combo pack of this stuff, generously donated by the makers of Toe Juice and Hog Wash!!
The winner will receive a combo pack like the one me and the kiddos received for our review.
This includes both small sizes of Toe Juice and Hog Wash and the 4.6 oz Toe Juice and the 8 oz Hog Wash. This set is valued at $32.
You can check Toe Juice out on
and on
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Please enter through the Rafflecopter, and PLEASE make sure you leave a comment with your email so we can contact you if you win!!
If you could, leave a comment letting us know what your test will be to decide whether Toe Juice meets your standards? Will it be rashes, burns, insect bites, dry heels, comment below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway