My whole family just loves Halloween! So, when we had an offer to host a party for R.L Stine, the kids were super excited!
Both Genevive and Aaron are big fans of R.L Stine and most of The Hub TV shows, so when our box arrived, they started digging through it and getting ready to prepare for their Haunted Halloween party.
We originally had a party date planned, and my oldest daughter also had a Halloween party planned for the night before,so we kind of twisted the 2 parties together.
Most of their relatives were coming, ages 5 and up. ( With the exception of Deegan, who is 2, but also had a fun time in his little ninja suit!) My oldest daughter also has a few friends with children around these ages, so we had a good turn out of 13 kids and some parents.
Along with the DVD of R.L Stine's The Haunting Hour: The Series Halloween, premiere episodes, we received T shirts, glow in the dark snap bracelets, glow in the dark fangs and Grampire stickers.
Grampires is the season 3 premiere, episodes 1 and 2. The kids thought this was pretty cool, a retirement community of vampires! It was quite original and fit well of course.
A brother and sister go to visit their grandpa at his retirement community and end up finding out that some pretty scary vampires live there, and their grandpa ends up having to do what he can to save his grandchildren from these maniacs. ( This may end up explaining why little ones sometimes find these types of places so creepy:)
Along with watching the Grampires episodes, the kids had a few games, snacks of course, and also had a pumpkin carving contest. I think the most favorite was the jello eating contest!
Even a couple of the older kids played this game.
the object of the game was to see who could finish a bowl full of Jello, first, BUT, they also had to have their glow in the dark fangs in! This definitely made this much harder!
I believe this is also a lot harder then what it looks like!
Of course the little bat princess in the back, ( That's Genevive), and deegan, didn't want to participate, but they did have tons of fun painting pumplkins for the pumpkin carving/painting contest.
Everybody agrees that The Hub and R.L Stine, added a lot of spooky and creepy fun to their party and they especially loved all of the goodies they took home after the party. I think a few of them are still thinking about their grandpas and grandmas.....
I was selected to be a MommyParties host as part of a promotional program with MomSelect. All opinions are my own.
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