Sunday, February 24, 2013

That Girl Started Her Own Country by The Holy Ghost Writer

This is such an interesting little book, to short in my eyes, but then again, it's done this way for a reason. The next book just can't come fast enough as a matter of fact! I am getting a bit antsy, awaiting the arrival of the next, so that I can see what Zaydee, (or Pipi Longstocking or Princess Jane Doe) will be conjuring up next.
I think it's a bit hard to give anything but a 5 star review for, That Girl Started Her Own Country, or any of The Holy Ghost Writer's other books, just yet, as they are all a part of a fascinating story that I really believe, once unfolded, will be definitely a set of stories, possibly all real and true, that will not be forgotten for several generations to come.
 I can't figure out how some can say they are giving a bad review, based on the fact that this book doesn't pick up where the 1st one left off. I was under the impression that as this may be book 2 in order of release, it is not necessarily book 2 in the series, but rather book 6. So,this would indeed explain some of those statements or reviews. I have also read that this book is to short, (I agree, but it doesn't take away from the exceptional storytelling, or the brilliant way this story is laid out and jumps right to excitement and throws you into an adventure that will make you think for a few seconds, if you're snapped out of the adrenaline laced pages, sorta like one of those, more real then real dreams.) I have to admit, yes, I was a little annoyed that it ended where it did, but it had to end somewhere right? All the more reason to check back for book 7... It isn't to often that you read about some of the things that are in this book. At least it isn't to much mainstream, and of course, this in turn may bring some people to just disregard the big picture that will be coming about inside these books, which is a shame.
Not that I'm a conspiracy theorist, but I have read up on practically everything that is mentioned in this book, and for several years. The Bilderberger's, Skull and Bones, all a major mystery in itself, (a frightening mystery nonetheless), and then the mention of Anonymous. If you are not familiar with these names, please read up on them, and please also try your best to gather the appropriate information. The internet and information is everywhere, therefore, so are plenty of lies and rumors. I believe if you are informed and aware of these names, well, then, this book will really have you sitting on the edge of your seat! Why? Because, why would they be included? Why would an author choose to write about such "off the wall" things like the Bilderberger's, and take that chance of losing some fans, or not gaining any when some people who don't fully understand or know much about these people, groups, etc, and the reader then chooses to just put this book down and walk away. (Because it is something they don't understand). Why would this book come out next? Is there a specific reason for the second book to come out, while it is book 6? Why are they not in order? What is the importance of this story, it must be something since books 2, 3, 4, and 5 have been skipped. Is there something going on in the world as we read this book, that goes along with something that is written in these pages? The fact that these books, (Zeddy's book is book 11 out of 12), so, we have books 1, 6, and 11. What is the pattern here, and is there a reason at all? Is it really as another reviewer stated, to keep the buzz going in the coffee shops? Am I reading to much into this? Is there no rhyme or reason here.... I don't know why, but I think there is a reason they are being released in an odd order, and it does make all the more, enchanting, I think is the word I'd like to use here.
Maybe it is simply due to the fact that somebody might possibly figure this out and make a correct guess on the identity of the author if indeed we were reading, book 1, then 2, then 3, etc. There are so many mysteries going on in this series, each book in it's own, each character in themselves, the author is a mystery, the storyline is a mystery, the order they are released is a mystery, and they apparently, ( because, The Boy Who Played With Dark Matter... The Secret Adventures of Zeddy, take place in 2099.), cover a very large time span.
 In, That Girl Started Her Own Country, we meet up with a peculiar, "international playgirl", Zaydee. (another strange name, just as Zeddy is just a little different and not a very familiar name), and in the short time the author takes to introduce, Zaydee, and give us details on who she is, where she is, and what's going on, you will, almost immediately, begin to cheer for her.
 Zaydee is an internet hacker, who is in love with an investigative journalist, who she believes is in trouble and creates an elaborate scam to help protect him. ( Oh, I forgot to mention he is writing about the Bildeberger family/group). Zaydee ends up in prison, and neither the media, the FBI, or the judge, her "attorney", or anybody, knows her true identity.
This book follows Zaydee through prison, and a couple court scenes, and the author introduces more characters in the story, as well as a lot more uncanny mysteries that leaves us, the reader, guessing and wondering what will be happening next.
You can guess and think of your own versions, until the next book arrives, but the strangest part is when the author starts to explain the twists and relationship with Zaydee, and book 6, to book 1. (All the way through to the Skull and Bones, the secret society mentioned a couple times at the beginning of, That Girl Started Her Own Country.
 This book is one of those books that you are so pleased with and so thankful that you had the chance to read it, you wish to thank the author. Unless I am the only one who does this with music and books and even some movies, I don't know. But it is also a book you can read on your Kindle, sure, but some books are better when you have a real copy. (This is one of those I have to take the time and grab in paperback)
There was really only one issue I had with this book, which isn't necessarily a big deal at all. But it was mentioned about a character in the story being a member of, Anonymous, and joining them. Anonymous actually doesn't have members, and you can not join them. Everyone is Anonymous and anybody can be involved with any operations they come across online that another Anon or group has created.
 I will be sitting here anxiously awaiting the next book that comes out in this peculiar but yet intriguing series.
Trust me, with each book, the anticipation grows, and wow, by the way, have you read, The Boy Who Played With Dark Matter?


  1. Sounds like a good series! I haven't read a good book in a long time.

  2. The Holy ghost Writers is started her own country states like a thrilling read! For fans of action and adventure, it is worth exploring the works of the best action and adventure fiction writers. Their captivating storytelling and gripping plots are sure to keep you hooked from the first page to the last.

  3. Wow, what a fascinating dive into Zaydee's world! 📚🌟 Just like the innovative ideas from shark tank Pakistan sharks, this book is a thrilling adventure that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Can't wait for the next chapter! 🚀📖

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