Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Siren of Paris by David LeRoy

This book is such a meticulously crafted travel back in time, and certainly will not be a book that is forgotten. This is one you will want an actual copy of, so you can come back to it, and read again and again, it is detailed and researched so well, I got lost so many times in this story, and honestly, didn't want to come back some of the time.
 I am kind of at a loss of words for this review, I am more then impressed with David LeRoy's debut novel, and I am more then anxious to read any news of another book coming soon.
If you enjoy history books, this will definitely exceed all of your expectations! Reading it is more like a very vivid dream, then just a book, and I found myself checking how many pages were left several times, not because I wanted it to be over, but because of the exact opposite. I was horribly sad when it ended. That being said, I would not recommend starting this book when you have a to do list, errands or anything else that will interrupt this painfully amazing journey back in time. Otherwise, you will keep people and your list waiting.
 Marc Tolbert, is the main character in this novel, you get to know him beginning with his funeral.
 In 1939, Marc was 20 years old, and was on his way to medical school until he decided to go back to Paris, to attend art school. 1939 of course, was a most terrifying time, and Marc chooses to ignore all of the signs that the world, including Paris, (France) are on the brink of a devastating world war. The author goes into explicit detail, bringing all of the actual historical events and figures into play, as we relive his past with him.
 As disgusting as a time as this is, David LeRoy, manages to carefully articulate a story of spirituality with this book. He doesn't leave anything out of this story, and there will be times you will cringe at the events taking place on the pages, and yet, at the same time, you will be re living a time in history, as though you were really there or at the least, watching a movie.
You will be with Marc, as he tries to escape France, spends time in concentration camps, and witnesses the people and children trying to leave the country. Of course he also falls in love in this story, and with that, comes betrayal.
When Marc dies, he doesn't get to pass into eternal peace, until he answers one question successfully. This is of course a very emotional book, and again, I can't stress enough how brilliant of a job this author did with captivating the reader, pulling the reader in from page 1.
You will find it a tad bit hard to just let go of this book, and I feel I must stress that this book may not be for everyone. (Although, David LeRoy is able to use his creativity and imagination to turn something so grotesque, into a story that will draw in many different types of readers.)
I would love to read any comments you may have on this book! Have you read this novel? Would you be interested in reading this debut novel? Why or why not? I am giving, The Siren of Paris, a 5 star review. It is more then well deserved on every level and especially writing style and originality.

 ** I received a copy of this book in return for my honest review **


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