I know that most of you know by now that I suffer from a few disabilities and chronic pain disorders. So, I won't get to involved in that part of the story. Most recently, I tore another tendon, my Achilles tendon, in my left foot which was replaced once already. There was also a lot of damage to my ankle, joint, and of course, the infamous extra osteoarthritis that just keeps getting worse. If you ever tore or ruptured a tendon before, you are probably aware of the eye watering pain that goes along with this. and it never, ever goes away.
The bottom right photo shows how swelled up my legs and ankles get on bad days. Usually every night, days when it's cold, raining, snowing, or if bad weather is on the way, or if I am doing a lot around the house. I apologize for the icky picture lol! My skin is insanely dry and I have rashes and burns and blisters most of the time, so, it isn't the prettiest thing in the world. I have to wear non weight bearing walking boots to get around the house a little bit. As much as I try to do without these annoying robot boots, I can't go to long without them. If I stay still or sit or lay down for just a few minutes, my whole morning restarts and it takes a couple of hours, sometimes more, just to get moving again and reduce the swelling.
I have been using Advil for several years. My husband also uses Advil for his headaches, migraines, and back issues. (We're like a chronic pain, arthritis, ortho problems couple lol!) and I have been using them as a part of my own pain regimen. I have to say that when I do have a headache, Advil is usually the only thing that works and they always worked fast. However, between the 2 newer Advil products that I have been using, Advil Film Coated and Advil Liqui Gels, I am thrilled with how quickly these start to kick in and get me back up and moving. Even if it is to just do the dishes or help one of my little ones get a shower or make dinner.
I know that regular Advil has always helped me previously, when I wasn't in the shape I am in now. Whenever I had a break or a sprain in my feet or ankles, I would rely on Advil to help me get back moving and working long hours and late nights as a bartender for many years. As things progressed, it does get to be a bit more of a project to try and find something that helps relieve pain. I don't expect 100% pain free days or anything like that! I am just content with a little bit of help. Seeing that Advil Film Coated helps with my severe swelling as much as it does, I can imagine that they would knock aches and pains right out of people who need them just some of the time and just for other types of pains. But for somebody with chronic pain and other disabilities, that little bit of relief is a blessing!
What do you think of the new Advil Film Coated? What do you think? What kinds of aches and pains would they help keep under control for you?
You can sign up to receive coupons and offers from Advil, here!
** Please be careful and read the dosage! Of course, you should also always, always, always, discuss any medications with your doctor, FIRST! You should NOT take more then 6 200 mg Advil Film Coated or Advil Liqui Gels in a 24 hour time period. This is extremely important! The dosage is ONE 1 pill, not 2, or 3. (I knwo, sometimes it's easy to grab a couple or to not keep track.) But, you should keep a diary or a chart of some sort if you are taking these or any medication on a regular basis so that you can be sure to NOT overdose! (This benefits busy moms and dads when a child is sick also.) ALWAYS, write down the time and dose of any medication given. This is one of the leading causes of overdoses. **
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