Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Juppy Baby Walker Review and Please Vote!!

Have you seen this baby walker yet??
I was quite amazed with this very unique, terribly easy to use and pack, and fabulously comfortable, Juppy Baby Walker, and I am amazed with how well it works!
What a simple idea, and yet, nobody has thought of putting this together, making it, and selling it, until of course, somebody, thank God, finally did!
The brilliance I think is what amazes me the most. I mean, why have I been using the regular old, giant, plastic, expensive baby walkers, that were hardly easy to pack and take along, and always had snacks stuck in the cracks, under the noisy, flashing lights and thingamajigs, that my kids always kind of just grunted at?
not to mention, what about the dangers behind these old, goofy plastic things, that barely fit through our doorways? It seems to be more work behind these regular, traditional walkers, then just picking the baby up yourself, and holding him up in front of you, right?
Well, that is the thing! With this Juppy walker,

the strain on your back, legs, the pain from bending down, and walking goofy, behind your little one, is gone!!
I am anxious for my granddaughter to arrive, yes, I will be a grandma at 38, and our younger children, Deegan, will be a 2 year old uncle, and genevive, a 5 year old aunt and Aaron, an 8 year old uncle! But we are excited for this event, and can not wait to meet Lillian!! I will also be ordering a Juppy, in pink, and with her pretty little name, monogrammed! (Another cool thing about The Juppy!)
We did receive one of these in return for our review, and since Deegan, our youngest, had already started walking pretty well, I knew somebody close to me who would love to have the chance to use this for her little boy, Kambell.
Genevive's preschool teacher, has a cutie pie, Kambell, and he has been having the time of his life, using The Juppy! His mother is especially delighted, since she actually has tremendous back pain, and sees a Doctor, regularly for her back.
She has been grateful and has seen an improvement with Kambell, and also recommends this product to anybody!
Deegan, definitely could have used this walker, had I known that this existed, I would have bought one!
Deegan was born with club foot, and has been wearing casts and boots with his Ponsetti bar, since day 1. He did have his surgery at 6 months, and has been recovering quite well, however, he still has a few tiny issues, and he still sees his foot Dr. He was not "supposed" to walk already, they said he may be behind, but he started walking quite early, at least earlier then what they thought. This is why I would recommend this to any parent, especially those with a child with any kind of developmental issues, or club foot!
You have to check out the neat way this baby walker fits in the adorable, colorful carrying bag, and how cool is that, that is can fit in your purse?
The straps are wide, the little leg holes are roomy, and it is the most comfortable thing for the tiny ones!
Walmart is having a very cool promotion right now, and it would be real neat to walk into my local walmart, and see this product on their shelf!
It is for small business owners, to have a chance to have a space on Walmart's shelf!
Please check the contest out here, and vote to get The Juppy on their shelves!!
If you can not get online everyday, to vote for The Juppy, you can also use your cell phone and text: 933 to 383838.
Check out The Juppy on Facebook here.