Monday, December 5, 2011

Review; The Money Saving Mom's Budget by Crystal Paine

As I have mentioned before, (several times in fact), I am here and blogging, thanks to bloggers such as Crystal Paine.
I have always been a frugal person, a couponaholic, and a deal hunter, but a few years ago when a medical catastrophe hit me, I was forced to figure out more ways to save and earn money.
I was never a huge fan of computers, and the internet. I am still pretty old fashioned, I like books, board games, and I like for my children to know what an encyclopedia and a dictionary and actual books are like! But, we purchased a computer and I decided to put it to work!
One of the first newsletters I had signed up with, was The Money Saving Mom Newsletter, and I was happy to get some tips and links and help with the online shopping and bargain hunting world.
Crystal does an excellent job with her blogs, and she is one of the reasons I started my own. I always enjoy reading her posts and articles about blogging, and her "how to's" and her positive outlook is enough to make a busy mom like me, (who by the way, had no clue how any of this blogging, hyperlinks, downloading, installing, lol, you get the picture, worked!)
I was so happy to hear about her book deal, and was anxious to read her book when it came out.
Her book is actually being released in January of 2012.
I received her book about a month ago, and was very excited to be asked to do a review on her book!!
This was honestly something I didn't expect, as I am still fairly new and only run 2 blogs for now with a little over 100 followers between the 2! But, we all have to start somewhere.
I read the book in just a few days, and I was pleased with the way it was written. She keeps your attention on each page, and has her own way of writing, which is very pleasant, positive, friendly, and gives you something to smile about.
This is an excellent starter book for anybody who has recently lost a job, has been going through rough times, or just wants to learn how and what they can do to become more self sufficient and save where ever they can for their families!
Crystal covers mostly everything in this book, and I was happy to see that there really wasn't anything left out. All of the tips and advice were well written, and I appreciate her writing this book to help others out.
I am also relieved that Crystal covers couponing, the truthful way! This is something I have been doing for so many years, and to have certain tv shows, and bloggers and Facebook pages, come out with some ridiculous, far fetched, crazy, unbelievable, coupon strategies, and stockpiling maniacs, made to depict all couponers, and frugal moms, as some loopy, hoarding, monsters, I was very much appreciative when I read her book!
From the grocery store to the drug store, to online, I am a little tired of being treated as a loon, and an "Extreme Couponer"! I get called this everytime I am shopping with my coupon binder! Not to mention the people who are anxiously awaiting to learn how to do "Extreme Couponing", and they don't realize yet what exactly reality is...
But Crystal, thank goodness, gives a very real depiction of couponing, what it's about, how to do it, and even covers the ever so hard question to answer for people, "How do I save without coupons?"
From tips and pointers about savings, and NOT using the ever loved, American way, lol, credit card, and swiping everywhere you go, to personal empowerment, cash only challenges, to how to give and donate, no matter your income, her book covers it all!
I guarantee it is well worth your while, even if you are an avid saver, and couponer, It is an enjoyable read, and I love knowing that it was written by somebody who has been through rough times just like my family.
Who better to get your shopping tips and saving and budget advice from, then another busy mommy who wants to instill good values in her children, and is always looking for ways to save as much as possible in every aspect?

PS) I may be having a giveaway for a copy of The Money Saving Mom's Budget, very soon!
Keep reading this blog and my other blog,, for info on when this giveaway will start!!
In the meantime, sign up for Crystal's email newsletter at


  1. Thanks for the review,i think my daughter would enjoy this !

  2. Very recently, I read The Money Saving Mom's Budget by Crystal Paine, jammed with plain tips on managing funds and saving money. She starts with hacks on budgeting to meal planning without fussing about the control process of money. Even as I get busy with my work about academics, it gets overwhelming at times. That's when I realized that I would be able to depend upon research data collection services for my projects. These have proved to be a savior for me, letting me collect the maximum amount of data in the most efficient way possible, allowing me to spend more time analyzing and less time on the dreary task of collecting data. The best way to save both your time and effort!
