It has been quite some time since I've actually read a genuine, Halloween, story. I'm not sure what happened over the past few years or maybe decade but, the horror movies and books just don't seem to be as creative or original as they used to be. Well, there were a couple of really unforgettable horror movies now that I think about it. But only a couple as compared to dozens in previous years...
Halloween is one of my very favorite holidays! There are decorations that stay up all year and we always find new decorations to add to the mix! We often take trips to our local drive-in to watch horror movies and take part in the haunted woods and other fun things they have set up for Halloween fans. (Depending on the weather of course!) Halloween is just a fun time of the year that doesn't have to only take place on October 31st. You can plan parties, movie all-nighters, trips to local haunted houses, it's a holiday that can involve everyone no matter your age! Of course, no Halloween is complete without a good ghost story or a spooky tale!
The Legend Of Mr. Ween takes place in 1905 with a gentleman named, Hal. He is traveling to Boston to seek work and ultimately finds something in Treattown. Hal is misunderstood by some of the locals but, he does win some of them over too! The author doesn't waste any time. You'll be brought to the story immediately and your imagination will run wild! It is a fantastic tale of how some of our most loved Halloween decorations came to be. (I'll give you a hint... it has to do with pumpkins!) This is a great story to add to your Halloween tradition, whatever that may be. Yes, it is kid-friendly although, I've noticed there is a kid version out there somewhere too! I am a horror fan but, I also appreciate fairy tales and classic literature and all kinds of books and The Legend Of Mr. Ween is definitely an unforgettable story! (and at 58 pages, you will be able to read this with your children quite easily!)
This story is for all ages and very easy to follow along. It is beautifully written and Daren Ross is a flawless author! His style of writing will remind you of good, old fashioned novels and this story will take you back to visit Treattown in 1905 yourself! There are a few times you will become so deeply immersed in this book that you'll start to wonder, "Is it 2019 or did I travel back in time?" If you aren't a horror fan or a gore fan, you will be delighted! If at times you start to wonder if this will turn into something dreadfully scary, have no fear! There are tons of little twists and tricks and turns. Don't worry horror fans, you will be pleasantly surprised with this fascinating tale of one of Halloween's most prized possessions! (Trust me here, the author adores Halloween as much as the rest of us!)
Click here for a free copy and don't forget to let me know what you thought of this spectacular cook!
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