Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tasty Skinny Drink Ideas

I'm sure most of my readers know by now, how much I love, Crowdtap. If you don't know, well, it's the coolest website for anybody who has an opinion. The more opinions, feedback, the more talkative you are, online and offline, the better your chances of getting cool stuff to post, share, tweet, pin, instagram, bookmark, and try.
I'm also certain, most of you know by now, I'm a bartender.
I've been a bartender for 21 years now, and even with my disability, (which is in my feet, the whole way through my hips), I still work part time weekends, because I love my job, and love talking to people. I usually say it's my time off of work, lol! It is hard work, but blogging, cleaning, cooking, and a big family with nutty kids, seems to be much more hectic than a busy bar.
Anyway, I scored this #TeamSweetNLow sample and share through, Crowdtap, and I wanted to share my drink recipes I came up with for Sweet N Low!
This was my sampling kit, complete with some super yummy drink recipes created by, Sweet N Low, along with some coupons and samples, and a box for moi!
I'm a sugar addict, so I figured this would be interesting to try, especially for some delicious martinis!
I prepared all of the fresh fruit! (I ate most of the mango and nectarine!!)
and then prepared and plated the Sweet N Low...
I always like to rim the glasses with either colored sugar, or now, Sweet N Low, or if you are having a margarita of course, you would use salt. 
I always slide the fruit chunk around the rim of the glass, and then dip in the Sweet N Low....

You can also just dip your fruit garnishes, into the Sweet N Low, and slid that around, or not..and just let it set on your glass.
I needed pineapples for my evening of skinny drinks and Sweet N Low, but after a trip to my local grocery store, I realized, I'd have to make do with the fruit I already had. (We live in nowhereland, and have 1 store closeby. Most of our groceries are bought online, yes, even produce. But, I do visit this store each week. They were just out of pineapples.)
This is a classic creamsicle martini. 
I used Skky vodka, light cream, fresh orange juice, a packet of Sweet N Low for the orange garnish, (I also dipped the orange garnish into the drink to get some more sweetness in there)
This is one of my favorites! Normally, I would garnish with some orange sugar, but I'm liking the whole, less is more deal, that Sweet N Low has to offer!

This is quite the tasty, very healthy, skinny, cocktail!
I came up with this when I threw some strawberries, blueberries, nectarine pulp, and raspberries, into the blender, (just as I would a smoothie), and added just 1 packet of Sweet N Low, and some Skky vodka!
I apologize for the toothpick garnish. I would use a cocktail stirrer, or "little swords" as my kids call them, lol!
But, I'm all out of those and it isn't something I usually have on hand.
(I am thinking of grabbing more accessories and adding a drink recipe series on 1 of my blogs, but, more on that later!)
I really, really, really loved this drink! I cubed some nectarines, and used those on the side! YUM!
 I love these ice cubes!! They will never water down your drink, and they come in a handy little bag. You just throw them in the freezer, and voila! They stay cold forever, and they won't affect the flavors in your yummy cocktails!

Can you see those sweet non watery, ice cold cubes in there??
Now, this drink is just fabulous!!!
I threw this together, and wish I could have a 2nd, but, the kids have summer camp early in the morning!
I used, Captain Morgan's Parrot Bay Pineapple flavor, (again, I would usually use a pineapple, along with the mango, orange and lime) and I used 2 special ingredients, along with just a half of a pack of Sweet N Low...
Rooibee Roo Orange Tea and Rooibee Roo Mango Tea. 
WOW! Now, this is something I wouldn't mind drinking on a hot, summer day, or um, every, hot, summer day!
I am very pleased with all 3 of these drinks, and, I'm even more than interested in using Sweet N Low for even more creations, drinks and desserts!!
You only need a very small amount of Sweet N Low, to sweeten your desserts, teas, cocktails, coffee, tomato sauce, the possibilities are endless!!
Please leave comments about what you would create by replacing sugar with a skinnier, sweeter version!
I'll be back soon, to name these drinks! (I have to think a bit, but I'll add my names for the last 2)

1 comment:

  1. If anybody has any ideas for the names of the last 2 drinks, feel free to comment!!
